Individual award shortlist for 2024 now public
Full report available now
2024 photos available after the event
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Tracey Worth an ex chairman of the National Courier Association and Member of the Institute of Logistics and Transport again heads the co-ordination of the panel of judges.
Average Age 55, typically 13 years service
Customer: 'she did not give up until she had the answer'
-Unsung hero, a powerhouse behind the scenes.
Average Age 40, typically 6 years service
-He is at the core of customer need when change arrives.
-'He has made an incredible impact on how we send our packages with you.'
-Saving patients from serious injury or illness on several occasions.
-The incident detailed shows outstanding integrity.
-His hard work and dedication is exemplary.
-Ambassador and an asset to not only our business, but also our industry.
-Customer testimonial 'He's amazing'
Cycles & Motorcycles, girls and boys.
-Awareness that excellent customer service is key to the role.
-Immersing herself fully in the cycle courier world.
-26 years and always willing to assist
-A courier driver who went above and beyond his job role
-Highway agency support to get the package delivered.
-Customer comments, 'he played a blinder for us.'
-Public spirited and brave
Ivor Skinner. Job Title: Director / Co-Secretary, Age: 66, Years in Industry: 25
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