Institute of Couriers Vision, Mission, Values, Goals, Activities & Achievements

The current and future activities of the Institute of Couriers are guided by the framework of our vision, mission, values and goals.  These are reviewed by the President and Chairman to ensure they remain valid and appropriate.


Our vision is:

A UK courier sector which is ethical and professional and which is understood and valued by governments, businesses and the public.



Our mission is:

To encourage knowledge sharing and development of individuals own competence in the application of courier skills. It is the individuals with the appropriate knowledge, energy and skills that make the difference and effect the provision of, delivery of and the standard of skills the industry shows to its clients. Individuals effect the change within an organisation.

IOC membership sends a clear message to employers, clients, and other stakeholders that you as a recognised member have committed to industry standards and quality of skills to benefit the service you provide. Alongside the IOC a recognised member sends a powerful message of delivery excellence.

The 21st century brings with it the ideals of:

    • new standards of quality
    • service delivery
    • responsible ownership

These three roads are the way in which individuals will succeed to meet the needs of employer’s and clients equally.



Our values are that:

    1. Our membership is open to all those who work in the UK industry.

    2. We are inclusive and welcoming to all and recognise and support diversity.

    3. We encourage ethical best practice in personal performance and corporate activity

 The latest copy of the IOC Code of Values document can be accessed here.


Our goals are to:

    1. Provide a membership of fellows representing the courier sector

    2. Provide opportunities for fellows to develop ideas, policies and initiatives without conflict of interest (see here)

    3. Enable the sector to agree, promote and implement standards for job performance

    4. Promote ‘professional and safe practices’ in serving the industry and its customers.

    5. Enable the sector to agree and promote ethical policies for company behaviour

    6. Be recognised by UK governments as a stakeholder in the development of policies that affect the sector

    7. Promote understanding and appreciation of the sector among national and local governments, the wider business community and the general the public

    8. Generate funds to support the mission and values



In working towards our goals, the current activities of the IOC are:

    1. The provision of information via the IOC website.
    2. The organisation of events to enable industry professionals to exchange information and views and help develop IOC policy.
    3. Representation of the sector at forums, events and meetings organised by national government, other public bodies and other professional bodies.
    4. The development of standards for education and training in the sector and the incorporation of these standards in qualifications and apprenticeships.
    5. The promotion and awareness of best practices for individuals to improve their skills and qualifications.
    6. The development of a courier code of practice to be adopted across the industry.
    7. Undertake commercial consultancy assignments to generate funds for our activities.



The IOC has achieved stakeholder recognition in step with the evolution of express e-retail courier sector with a fellowship of individuals representing the majority of the whole sector - from national players to SMEs - regional, network and national all as fellows.

The National Courier Awards have grown into the most respected express courier event.

The annual Fellows' Gowning at the House of Lords has become a sector must-not-miss and with this momentum of senior sector individuals has come huge momentum for reports such as Taylor and the new tranche of Trailblazer standards qualifications.

Quarterly heads of industry events carry agenda detail on such themes as working regulations that are currently driving the code of practice document.

    • A membership of fellows representing the express and courier sector
    • A voice for courier and express sector.
    • Stakeholder status with DfT
    • Govt white paper analysis for proposals of future legislation such as Taylor
    • Qualification recognition for sector such as NVQ and Trailblazer
    • Working with public bodies who coordinate transport policy such as TfL and TfGM
    • Improving air quality in alliance with industry lead programes such as LoCITY
    • Working with LoCITY on alternative fuel vehicle solutions.
    • Working on regional economic logistics priorities with LEPS, D2N2, LLEP SEMLEP.
    • Recognition of sector excellence such as National Courier Awards
    • Recognition of individual excellence, surpassing ordinary standards, hon fellows, fellows
    • Sector ombudsman independently processing complaints between gen public and operators.
    • Provision of knowledge to sector such as career stairway and Sunday e-mail
    • Sector agreement that the IOC formulate a draft code of practice for all.

The body’s educational role - both within its membership and more widely

Qualifications are key to our express and courier sector, both for compliance and future workforce, from courier driver front line to management. The IOC have been working closely with FE colleges, Universities, LEPs, DfE and IFA.

Lord Falkland, President IOC

    • IOC acts as secretary to the DfE IFA, Trailblazer group for Express.
    • IOC is an Hon member of the association of education and learning providers AELP.
    • IOC works with the Institute of Education IOE at UCL on logistics sector qualification development.
    • IOC works with HE institutions on L6 and above qualifications for the sector.
    • IOC recognises and approves training providers for delivery of Trailblazer qualifications in Express.
    • IOC is part of the group training association, GTA Logistics Skills Alliance, West Thames College and Heathrow employers.
    • IOC sits on the DfT Strategic Transport Apprenticeship taskforce STAT
    • IOC formerly supported  RHDTC then skills council, Skills for Logistics & Logistics Guild.
The education role for the IOC falls into five streams,

    • Promotion of existing career and qualification routes in express courier - Stairway
    • Sector qualification development – Sec to the employer group for Express
    • Sector qualification auditing – IFA EQA
    • Recognition of quality training provision in the sector.
    • Research & support