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Winners summaries 2014 - 2-wheel

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Robert Murray RUSH, Georgina Evans CitySprint, Simon Hurst GLH

Cycles & Motorcycles, girls and boys.

-Awareness that excellent customer service is key to the role.

-Immersing herself fully in the cycle courier world.

-26 years and always willing to assist



 Robert Murray, RUSH cycle courier


2014 winner 2 wheels robert murray rush


-Awareness that excellent customer service is key to his role.

The number of phone calls our customer service team receive requesting this particular couriers services for sensitive work, and emails of thanks for services rendered shows that he really is going the going the extra mile every time he visits a customer.

Always polite, always timely, always sober, and always working, Robert is a shining example of just what a pushbike courier should be about. Fitting in so quickly to such a long standing team and then being there recommendation for a National Courier Awards is great testimony, he fully deserves this nomination.

C808 Robert Murray is a relative youngster with a long line of road experience, he is a newcomer to the 'old hands' of our Cycle Courier Fleet (the longest serving member has been with us over 25 years and is 20 years the boss's senior!) Never the less this newcomer has made a big impression both amongst his fellow couriers and in the control room.

In a little over a year since joining us and after 3 years at another courier company and 15 years of in house courier at Merrill Lynch, he has become an integral part of the pushbike fleet with his can do attitude to work.


Georgina Evans , City Sprint cycle courier


2014 winner 2 wheels georgina evans citysprint


-Immersing herself fully in the cycle courier world.

 She is a force to be reckoned with - she's a fantastic brand ambassador (she was the face of 'spot the yellow jersey' competition during the Tour de France this year) and has demonstrated not only an exceptional aptitude for this extremely demanding line of work, but also incredible dedication to the industry.

Reliable, enthusiastic and always professional, Georgina is already well loved by her clients and teammates alike, and has rapidly gained a reputation for consistently going the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.

However, beyond her outstanding work, Georgina has also been eager to share her newly acquired knowledge with others and advocate life as a courier. Most recently, Georgina played a pivotal role in our work with homeless charity Crisis, helping to launch a significant back-to-work scheme by introducing our company as an employer and giving an overview of her responsibilities, as well as interacting with and answering questions from potential candidates.

New to the team and bringing new ideas that work while finding time to showcase our company into a wider audience all at the same time, We want more Georginas, she is special and should be recognized.


Simon Hurst , GLH Motorcycle Courier


2014 winner 2 wheels simon hurst glh


-26 years and always willing to assist

His passion for driving started back in 1988 when he was a chauffeur for the Australian Embassy. He continued this career up until 1997 when he decided to hang up his suit jacket and hat in favour of a crash helmet and waterproofs, joining us in August last year.

Always willing to assist where he can he brings a level of professionalism to the business that is unsurpassed and appreciated by all those that have contact with him.

He finds the lack of conversation from the parcels and freedom of route choice far less stressful than that of his previous role. Since joining us Simon has proven to be a first class courier and despite two crunching non-fault accidents recently still has one of the best attendance records on our fleet.

Our nomination for his award comes from the whole office team, in bringing his past chauffer skills to our fleet he has raised the bar of the existing team, motivated others to client focus and shone a light for others to follow, he is a great example of the very best courier everyone wants on their control board.


Read 958 times Last modified on Monday, 05 October 2015 13:36

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