The Institute of Couriers launched a dedicated road safety & wellbeing group in earl 2023 to engage exchange of knowledge in final mile to combat accidents on the road and prevent mental illness through best practice of wellbeing in final mile. Wellbeing has been has moved during COVID & operators are adapting best practice. Keeping ahead of wellbeing that is moving on-line, preventing stress in shift work and extended parcel numbers creating pressure is the focus of the road safety and wellbeing group, Chair, Chris Floyd, Evri is lead recruitment to the new sub group.
IOC Road safety and wellbeing group goals are:-
Obtain a complete picture of safety and wellbeing in express logistics
Develop solutions to improve driver wellness/mental health, thereby improving road safety
Iidentify and mitigate safety and wellbeing issue for the sector
Increase DFT awareness of sector road safety?
Increase HSE awareness of sector road safety and wellbeing/mental health issues?
Promote a high standard of response from DFT, DVSA & HSE to road safety and wellbeing in express logistics.
Chris Floyd explains - The group is about best practice road safety in our sector for the roads we use and locations we deliver to. What are the key points of risk for road safety? How do we seek to reinforce safety messages where a Risk is specific (i.e. Seatbelts)? How do we bring a sector voice together for the sector ? A sector platform to lease with govt and other bodies. A review of mental health awareness, understand the sector growth pressures post COVID.
Aug 2024
HGV DCPC deadline is getting close - Sept 9th
IOC road safety chair Chris Floyd signposts better drivers
DVSA are asking 'Are your drivers up to date with their Driver CPC?'
The deadline for many professional drivers to complete their Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) training is 9 September 2024.
IOC sub-group chair for Road Safety, Chris Floyd comments, “Driver CPC is one of the few ways the Transport Sector is mandated to engage with its drivers of commercial vehicles and September of 2024 is expected to be another pinch point for training. Every year, certain parts of the sector leave training to the last possible moment and, every five years, that organisational procrastination compounds into a significant risk to individual businesses and the industry as a whole. - I implore you to do two things; firstly, check your position now for September 2024. With the summer annual leave, an Olympic Games and a European Football Championship the summer will feel very brief and before you know it your legally available pool of drivers could be significantly reduced.
Secondly, if you don’t already do so, consider alleviating this regular, self-imposed panic by implementing regular CPC sessions for all your drivers. Ask yourself, are my drivers performing to a high standard? Does your organisation accept simply scraping to 35hrs of training over five years and then nothing further? There might just be a correlation. - Better trained drivers are, unsurprisingly, better drivers and you’ll never need worry about a CPC deadline again.”
DVSA statement - To make sure your drivers can find training in time, we are asking operators to encourage drivers whose Driver CPC runs out this September to check that they have completed 35 hours well before the 9 September deadline.
Why is demand so high for training every 5 years? 2024 is the 15-year anniversary of Driver CPC for lorry drivers. When it was first introduced all lorry drivers had to get their driver qualification card by September 9, 2014. This means that many current cards will run out at the same time. So, every 5 years there are lots of drivers trying to complete their 35 hours of training at the same time. Data shows that lots of drivers leave their training until the last 6 months. In 2019, there were, on average, 5 times more training hours done a month compared to the same time in the previous year
What happens if your drivers miss their training deadline - They cannot drive professionally until they finish their training, and they could be fined up to £1,000 for driving professionally without having a Driver CPC.
Checking your drivers’ training - Drivers can check the numbers of hours they have done towards their Driver CPC and see what the deadline is to complete it by. Drivers can share this information with operators, but we are not able to give you direct access as the information is owned by the driver.
Feb 2024
IOC group for road safety & wellbeing,
IOC road safety & wellbeing group – virtual for an hour
The meeting key discussion points for 19th Feb 2024
Introducing the chair, Chris Floyd Evri
The year ahead agenda
Topic: IOC Road Safety Group 19th Feb at ten – one hour virtual
The Institute of Courier launched a dedicated road safety & wellbeing group in earl 2023 to engage exchange of knowledge in final mile to combat accidents on the road and prevent mental illness through best practice of wellbeing in final mile. Wellbeing has been has moved during COVID & operators are adapting best practice. Keeping ahead of wellbeing that is moving on-line, preventing stress in shift work and extended parcel numbers creating pressure is the focus of the road safety and wellbeing group, Chair, Chris Floyd, Evri is to lead recruitment to the new sub group of the IOC.
IOC Road Safety group chair, Chris Floyd comments for Jan 2025 on Tachograph retrofitting for goods journeys crossing and recrossing the UK / Ireland border.
Guidance for road safety intervention.
Highways England toolkit for road-related work risk.
Chris Floyd ‘Evri star rating to achieve better behaviour at road.’
Nina Day, HSE has best practice advice for the IOC safety group
‘Hints and tips for shift-workers in final mile’
HGV DCPC deadline is getting close - Sept 9th 2024.
DVSA are asking 'Are your drivers up to date with their Driver CPC?'
It's time to put forward your road safety team member for new IOC virtual group.
The Road Safety & Wellbeing group met for a virtual hour March 9th, to make accessibility key to engaging with the group.
Group chair Chris Floyd from Evri did the introductions. A healthy run of discussion followed - from walking post dog attack through bike, van and heavy truck.
We bring the headline discussion points. As this new launch group builds, it's time to put forward a road safety member of your team to join the group. It’s a virtual hour and the next meeting is May 2nd at ten.
Education Sub-group
Security Sub-group
Cargo Sub-group
Road Safety
Asia Sub-group
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