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Winners summaries 2012 - Special

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Future Women in Industry Dionne Reid Manchester Met University


2012 winner other dionne reid mmu s


NSAL National Skills Academy for Logistics supports the nomination for Dionne Reid, a master graduate of Manchester Met University in Logistics & Supply chain Management. Paul Gaut TNT & Dean Mansel Briggs, both academy directors were on hand to deliver the award to Dionne Reid who has already scooped the CILT northern winnings for her first steps in logistics.

Dionne holds a MSc in Logistics and supply chain management, has just finished her Masters and hopes to move on to a Phd whilst still working in the industry. She gained sponsorship for her master dissertation from LCP Consulting which involves categorizing supply chain disruptions and investigation the causes of supply chain risk which has real benefits to the logistics and transport industry. Whilst in a turbulent global business environment there is a growing threat of disruptions in supply chains, academic research into supply chain risk and resilience management is in its infancy.

Dionne has a passion for the industry, committed to her studies and is pursuing every available opportunity to gain industry experience to enhance her employability with the logistics sector.


Olympic team Medal Jogpost


2012 winner other kevin turner jogpost s


A walking solution to the Olympic game's road closures.

In the lead-up and during the Olympic period, Jogpost worked closely with DHL sameday and International, DPD, CitySprint, Rico Logistics and TNT to provide fit healthy and enthusiastic people who jog and deliver consignments using public transport to avoid traffic congestion.

Having only started the JogPost Courier company this year they have successfully worked along with and across all courier companies to provide a solution to an issue that effected the whole industry. Jogpost showed integration, collaboration and solutions to other courier companies needs as well as for the client base.


Legacy award Zoe Powers GLH


2012 winner other zoe powers glh s


Environmental practice alongside business and community issues.

Zoe joined GLH in 2005 as a customer services agent since then she has risen through the ranks and now holds the post of Sales and Customer Services Director.

Zoe has been fundamental in the policies drawn up originally which have become embedded as part of the company's philosophy and define our core values. Zoe has been directly responsible for introducing ISO 14001 environmental standard having past every year for the last 5 years. Zoe Monitor's the emissions levels and is responsible for reaching targets which has a direct impact on how we procure our fleet. Electric bikes, LPG and hybrid fuel and bio-diesel. Over the first two years fuel consumption fell by 35%. All riders and drivers have also been trained on fuel efficiency techniques.

Zoe initiated relationships with C-Change Trust to offset carbon emissions with the planting of trees and the relationship has now moved to a local secondary school where GLH fund green intiatives including workshops and the John Scott Nature Reserve which provides children places to explore and research natural phenomena in and out of the class having reached the climax of our relationship with this school Zoe plans to foster relations with another.

Zoe has nurtured and successfully broaden the environmental issues into a sustainability strategy incorporating corporate social responsibility with the general and local environment.


Military Award of Honour Sgt. Matthew Hardacre RLC


2012 winner other sgt hardacre rlc s


Nominated by a member of Brigadier Deas staff, Lt Colonel Curnow RLC.

Sgt Hardacre has proved to be a pivotal member of the postal & courier services division outperforming expectations. He's award nomination is for recognition of professional effectiveness, commitment to training excellence and continuous improvement in course delivery for postal operations.

Sgt Hardacre discovered a number of working practices that required teaching so he developed and implemented better process through every Forces Post Office operating with PACER2. The system during its infancy was deemed by many PCS operators as a complicated system and with little or no working manuals. It had suffered numerous operational errors and increase malcontent. Since the production of the Aide Memoire these issues have been minimised drawing BFPO global recognition for this outstanding document which has proven to turn a complete novice into a competent user within only a few days. Sgt Hardacre designed and implemented this training programme within 6 weeks, requiring extended days and working weekends to ensure that it was delivered in good order.

Sgt Hardacre is therefore recommended for the National Courier Awards, Military Award of Honour in recognition of his professional effectiveness, commitment to training excellence and continuous improvement in delivery.


Read 961 times Last modified on Monday, 05 October 2015 13:48

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