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Monday, 26 October 2015 02:10

NCA 2015 - MoD - short summaries

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Three MoD awards presented by the Minister of State for the Armed Forces, Penny Mordaunt MP with Lt. Col. Brett Duxbury - civilian to military, reserve forces and regular army logistics.



Award for civilian step from military logistics

Mark Cunningham,  Pallex franchise Provincial Logistics Andover

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Mark receives his award from the Minister with Stephen Morgan, MD Provincial Logistics Ltd

Mark joined the Coldstream Guards in 1997 at the age of 17 and has seen active service in Northern Ireland, Iraq & Afghanistan. Mark was medically discharged in Nov 2014 suffering from PTSD. The original trauma in his condition was from a helicopter crash he survived in Northern Ireland in 2000.

The path that followed has been long and hard. Mark was offered an opportunity at Provincial Logistics. The Managing Director, Steve, who is a former soldier and recovered sufferer from PTSD. Mark was assured by Steve he would work with him to banish his demons and build his confidence.

When Mark is at work and with Steve, there isn’t much he can’t or won’t do, he is encouraged to have the confidence he once had, so much so that Mark is back driving larger trucks. He works with a number of ex-Military people so they share the same experiences and obviously a lot of banter. Next April Mark is taking part in the 3 peaks race with Steve to raise money for a Children’s charity Steve is involved with. This is huge progress for Mark, day by day his ability to control his illness get better, this has only been achieved by the help and support of Mark family & work colleagues, having been let down so many times by the Military & Civilian agencies.

Military Reserve Courier

Army reserves warehouse to wheels step for heavy vehicle licence.

Private Claire Williams RLC Reserve Army 151 London Transport Regiment

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On behalf of 151 London Transport Regiment, The Royal Logistic Corps, the premiere reservist Logistic unit in London, I would like to propose Private Claire Williams. Private Williams joined 562 Sqn on the 1st October 2011 as a non driver; she trained as an Army driver and completed her GS (General Service) driver qualification on 12th July 2015.

This outstanding private soldier has contributed to the Squadron by undertaking a Recruiters Course and is engaged in training new recruits to the Squadron who in turn will be the future Army Reservist drivers. This is a commitment above and beyond her role in the squadron.

Private Williams is engaged in all aspects of military life, running the Squadron bar and maintaining a high standard of fitness though regular attendance at Public Order and Personal Safety (PSPO) training at the Army reserve centre. She was selected to take part in the Royal logistic Corps Gore Trophy as part of the winning  Female Team representing 151 Regt RLC.

I cannot commend this ‘Kipling’ soldier more highly.

Andrew Gifford TD


Officer Commanding

562 (Southall) Squadron

Army reserves warehouse to wheels step for heavy vehicle licence.

Military Distinction Award

A/Cpl James Brennan

03 – 19 July 2015       JNCO Forces Post Office 779

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Brigadier Alistair Deas RLC comments,

Corporal Brennan’s professionalism and dedication during his recent deployment to the Middle East theatres of operation has been extraordinary.  His singe handed command of the central hub for The Middle East and maintenance of both the routine postal service and the Middle East and Op TORAL courier service, working at least 3 ranks up, is a clear demonstration of his exceptional professional abilities.


A/Cpl Brennan’s strong leadership skills and tireless work ethic has brought dynamism and enthusiasm to the department and has been an inspiration to his team.  His professionalism and dedication during his deployment has proved immeasurably beneficial to the wider Broader Middle East (BME) Theatres of Operation.  His efforts have ensured that the flow of Diplomatic Mail in and out of these operational theatres was flawlessly maintained, whilst concurrently supporting the Afghanistan Theatre without a hitch.

His role whilst deployed included coordinating the secure, discrete and efficient movement of Top Secret, Cryptographic and Security Services material all over the BME.  Due to R&R and the aero medical evacuation of the SSgt commanding the detachment, A/Cpl Brennan found himself single handedly running the central hub in the Middle East, the pivotal location, for a period of sixteen days.  In addition to overseeing the daily routine of an Operational Forces Post Office, he was responsible for ensuring that all Protectively Marked Material (PMM) was received and despatched in a timely manner.

His reaction to the additional responsibility was exceptional.  By day he operated as the Diplomatic Courier for the BME, delivering to multiple locations.  Upon his return from this he ran the Forces Post Office (FPO) providing a complete and efficient counter service.  In the evening he delivered all PMM to Kabul.  Despite typically returning to his base location in the early hours, and with minimal sleep, he would reopen the Post Office each following day to conduct a full day’s work.  Through sheer determination and utter professionalism A/Cpl Brennan ensured that a seamless service was delivered throughout this period and that no flights carrying PMM were ever missed.

This exceptional performance by A/Cpl Brennan is worthy of recognition.

Nominator Lt. Col. Rhodes, 29 Regt RLC

Supported by: Alistair Deas Brigadier

Read 1041 times Last modified on Thursday, 29 October 2015 19:10

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