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NCA 2019 Recruitment Innovation Award

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Clipper’s Fresh Start programme

Clipper’s Fresh Start programme

700 recruits over the last eighteen months must be the HR success of the decade. Lead by Jennifer Swain head of recruitment this company has sourced and recruited from different channels of workers. Partnering up with charitable and support groups for the underprivileged, disadvantaged in the work force and those who need help to get back into work. The recruitment policy as been to open all pathways to work.

The success in this aptly named program is that working with support partners Tempus Novo, Scope and Menchap  over 700 new recruits have achieved employment from varied backgrounds, mentally or physically disabled, ex offenders or homeless, refugees, retirees, ex-military and full time parents no one is missed off the list for a change to be employed. The policy to be inclusive has rewarded the company with new staff and a pathway for more to join the company through peak periods, offered employability to those who most need it and has strengthened the existing workforce to partner and mentor these new recruits.

How does it work? In July 2018 we met Andrew Scott. Due to a series of unfortunate events, he was in a vicious cycle of unemployment after struggling to find a job for 12-months. Working closely with Reed In Partnership, Andrew undertook an alternative interviewing process and received pre-employment training and mentoring. We offered Andrew a secure job through Clipper’s Fresh Start programme, and provide on-going assistance from our Fresh Start Champions.

A Fresh Start is a win-win for everyone.


Last modified on Tuesday, 15 October 2019 21:42

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