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Sunday, 16 October 2016 19:15

NCA2016 Full Report & Press Pack

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Lights camera action - celebrations at the 2016 National Courier Awards Lights camera action - celebrations at the 2016 National Courier Awards

Two decades of excellence for National Courier awards

Recognition for apprentice and lifetime achievement in Express sector

Best of the Best final mile in the UK recognised by independent panel of judges at the Institute of Couriers National Awards


 IOC president Lord Falkland, ‘Two decades of the National Courier Awards, Express is an evolving sector and the awards have driven recognition of excellence. Tonight we see recognition from start to finish with apprentice to lifetime award.’

Viscount Falkland comments after the event, “The event had a good natured buzz throughout which made it particularly enjoyable. The planning and execution of events is wonderful.”

IOC chair, Carl Lomas ‘Continued retail shift from High Street to home deliver has brought challenge to a sector evolving to deliver customer excellence, those at the forefront are here for awards this evening and have been recognised by our independent panel of judges.’ .

Hon fellows of the IOC Mike Brown, TfL and Traffic Commissioner Sarah Bell were on stage to present a lifetime services to industry award to Justin Moore. Roles with DHL, Amtrak and CitySprint. Former chair of the awards panel and present chair of the employer group for Trailblazer express qualifications.

Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby was on stage to handout a ‘silver C’ to the apprentice of the year, Josh Arbon of the Cambridge Courier Company. From road to management in an apprenticeship of express.

Two for two in the two wheel category went to Tamas Bardos CitySprint and Dave Colley GLH.

Four for four in the four wheel category, final mile front line on four wheels had four National Courier Award wins taking the silver C, Gary Brewster APC, Lizzie Thistlebank CitySprint, Errol Rodney Gnewt,  Allan Hayes  TNT.

Military distinctions drew a standing ovation as awards went to reserve forces Dean Channell and regular army defence courier Peter Greatorex, Read by Lt Colonel Brett Duxbury, ‘ austere locations of delivery in extreme circumstances.’

The sold-out gala courier industry event organised by the Institute of Couriers and hosted at the institute of Directors celebrated excellence from two wheels to four, from courier companies large and small, regional and national, an independent panel of judges without sponsorship to recognise the very best of the best final mile express.

The winners were greeted by stilt walkers to receive the prestigious Courier ‘Silver C’ award, received in recognition of coming out on top in each category from almost 200 nominations nationwide.

Viscount, Lord Falkland, IOC President handed out the corporate and distinction awards.

UK Mail took Client Collaboration on their Talk Talk contract collected by John Nolan. Team award went to Hermes, Swift Dispatch Liverpool winners of Corporate Safety. TfL boss Mike Brown was on stage to dish out the City Consolidation win to Top Flight Watford who are running an M25 consolidation shuttle to Central London.  Road Safety went to Tarmac, collected by Sean McGrae in recognition of cycle safety sensors for city haulage tucks. RTITB boss Laura Nelson was also on stage with Carl Lomas to award a chairman's citation to Emily Ward System Group for excellence on fork truck in the warehouse.

During the gala dinner there was much discussion of the retail shift from high street to home delivery. Heads of Industry event had taken place earlier in the afternoon and fuelled discussion on driver workforce strategy and solutions alongside the new BIS/Dept for Education, trailblazer apprenticeship at both levels two and six for degree apprenticeships.



Quick navigation

click a category to expand - click a link to be taken to the winners !

Apprentice Of The Year

City Consolidation

Road Safety Award

Chairman's Citation

Two wheels

Four wheels

Contract Driver

Contract Site




Corporate Safety Award

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Vince Friery accepts the award for Swift Despatch from Mike Brown MVO, TfL with Lord Falkland, Mark Davies FIoC, Stephen Legg and Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Swift Despatch Liverpool

In 1984 Swift Despatch was started as the town's first motorcycle courier company; a ‘one man band’. The owner and director quickly realised that he would have to rely on other people to succeed and took the conscious decision to always look after his employee’s. Investing as much as the company could afford rather than how little it could get away with meant ‘Investing’ in each staff member.

The team has increased year on year and personal development for every team member has been the building blocks for personal as well as company development. From Office Junior or Motorcycle Courier to becoming Company Director individuals are invested in and safety of all is at the core of this development.

Health and safety is not just for the office or warehouse; the company sees the investment of ‘safe driving’ as the corner stone of driver development and the delivery of their service to the client. Drivers as well as office members attend workplace Health and Safety courses but in addition ALL and that means every driver working for the company is involved in ongoing Institute of Advanced Motorist driving courses.

The company invests in the individual driver paying in full for relevant driver training that develops their skills to be safe on the road. With a team of drivers and staff members like Stephen Legg the Health and Safety manager, this company is confident that their drivers are employed to be safe as well as efficient. Investing in ‘individual’ safety development that repays the company by the safe delivery of their service.

This company has been singled out as a business investing in development of individuals by their local council business awards of excellence and the CILT transport awards for excellence and today we recognise the contribution and investment that this company makes into each and every driver to become a safe driver.

Client Collaboration Award

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John Nolan FIoC accepts the award certificate for UK Mail from Lord Falkland with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

UK Mail - John Nolan FIoC

UK Mail achieved success when their client asked to provide a two day definitive service to meet their customer demands. The collaboration between client and express service was deemed such a resounding success by all involved – the client, committed to a longer-term contract that spurred the client to ask the express service company to reduce their costs even further by implementing a sorting service as well.
"I am extremely pleased with how the implementation went and how quickly we have been able to make the cost savings outlined to us. The service has helped us to achieve our business objectives."  
UK Mail has achieved more than we expected and because they listened to us our company and our clients benefitted. A collaboration that gave us more than we expected, they provided an excellent service so we could.

Courier Team Award

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Wendy Davis accepts the award for Hermes from Lord Falkland with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Hermes - Wendy Davis

This team of professionals were specifically formed of senior employees handpicked from different departments, working closely together to develop and execute a precise strategy that led to our most successful peak season to date. The team having to factor in the many variables and site co-ordination for sortation and delivery.
The specialist team of experts all taken from different disciplines having not worked together before. Their teamwork proven by each member maximising their own skillset and taking responsibility. The success of the team was demonstrated by realising the most efficient and successful peak season to date (30.3m parcels in December). The Service levels were raised; despite a growth in volumes. Client reviews over the peak period reflected positively. “Our experience with the company through the peak period has been exceptional”

The team, headed-up by Ashley successfully integrated members from across different departments. Each member had their own area of ownership and provided necessary insight and expertise required to meet the demand.

The success of the team led to understanding the priorities for the 2016 Peak Planning & Delivery review which; it included - Improve IT Infrastructure - Understanding client behaviour and communication and the all-important question of, How many couriers do we need? This team were brought together, working together and delivering together for the customer.


Services to Industry Award

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Justin Moore FIoC accepts his award from Mike Brown MVO, TfL with Lord Falkland, Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock with Jeffrey Ritterband FFIoC

 Justin Moore FIoC

Justin has worked in our industry for over 20 years.  He evolved from his original industry beginnings as a DHL customer sales assistant. First job after school but keen as mustard to succeed. This first job igniting the passion in Express logistics. The industry bug was imbedded in his soul forever.

His passion being a quality that for him also means commitment, giving each and every job role his personal devotion to do the best he could for the client; something Amtrak benefitted from. His personal commitment making sure his company offered the best possible service to the client. The client being always at the forefront of his commitment to service.

Business Development, Sales, Marketing opportunities are listed as his skills on todays ‘social media’ sites but closely followed by innovation. He is not afraid to be the instigator of innovation, will put himself in the firing line when he truly believes it will make a difference and should be done.

He continues to show the excitement of getting his teeth into something new, continually looking to innovate, evolve and support the growth of the industry through development. Whether the innovation is technology, systems or operating processes he is driven, committed and passionate about the development of people.

The Institute of Couriers became involved with the government initiative called Trailblazer. This was led by the government department called Business Innovation and Skills; three words that describe fully this individual’s commitment to the industry. Supporting his business, innovating to succeed and looking to develop the skills of those working for our industry.

He has led and increased the wider industry awareness of this very event. Chairing the judging panel of the National Courier Awards. He has taken the lead to chair the employers group for Express Courier Trailblazer, he has successfully seen the ideals of all employers come to fruition by the Express Trailblazer standard being recognized at level 2 and level 6. This meaning skills development for all individuals whether a driver on the road or a senior member of management in our industry.

Without his passion or commitment to this project, supporting individual professional development for the industry; the industry would not have achieved this Trailblazer recognition.  The industry has benefitted from this individual’s passion, his innovation and his commitment to skills development of individuals that work in our industry.


Patrick Gallagher, CEO CitySprint commented on Justin Moore's Services to Industry win

I would just like to say how proud I am of Justin for this richly deserved recognition and I am so pleased that a number of his colleagues are here tonight to witness this honour. We, of course, know all about Justin’s quality’s and I am so delighted these have been recognised by the industry as a whole. Justin’s passion knows no bounds and is truly infectious. Coupled with staunch sense of integrity and fairness, he really is the perfect person to represent CitySprint and the Institute of Couriers. So, Congratulations on-behalf of everyone in the CitySprint family.


Apprentice Of The Year Award

Presented by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby, Professor Kathryn Mitchell, with the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University of West London, Professor Joëlle Fanghanel and CEO of AELP, Mike Dawes.

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Josh Arbon receives his award from Prof. Kathryn Mitchell with Prof. Joëlle Fanghanel and the CEO of AELP Mark Dawes.

Josh Arbon

Job title: Co-Partner, Age: 30, Industry 3 years, Location: Cambridge

Express final mile apprentice, from farmer to warehouse to yardman to manager.

‘He was humble enough to understand that he needed to and wanted to learn as much as possible’. Josh started at farming college and worked the family farm when an opportunity arrived at a local warehouse. At 24 years old a late starter he knew he could learn on the job and changed his career. Determination and progress through job learning Josh has achieved his goal.

Josh had worked for me as a yardman and overspill delivery driver, he quickly proved himself and was promoted to yard supervisor. Knowledge and competence grew in the roles as Josh stepped into management with a vocational understand of the business and sector that has stood him in the role he holds today, he is a next generation manager routed in express and delivery practice from hands on experience.

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Since we started our company we have grown very quickly. Josh, having had no experience in running any kind of business, stepped up to the mark very quickly with the wealth of on the job learning he had acquired from roles in the yard to driving. Today he is an equal partner, he was humble enough to understand that he needed to and wanted to learn as much as possible.
He now successfully runs projects on his own and carries out tasks in all sections of the business, not only the day to day business but he is now very involved in the business side of things too. Eager to learn he can now produce budgets, produce detailed plans and projects to assist in moving our company forward over the next few years. Recently, he has taken on the role of ISO9001 compliance, which is not an easy task.
Previously Josh had worked for me as a yardman and overspill delivery driver, he quickly proved himself and was promoted to yard supervisor. I ran that business for approximately 18 months and then chose to sell.  So in February 2013 we opened our doors and Josh has put into practise all that he has learnt to join me in management.

In short, he has come a long way in just over 3 years and he has really improved himself and our business. I believe he deserves to be formally recognised for his outstanding achievement.



City Consolidation Award

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Topflight Couriers receive the award from Mike Brown MVO, TfL with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Topflight Couriers

Consolidation solution for clean air in Central London. TfL LoCity vision for clean air has been about alternative fuels, re-timing and consolidation to maximize van space routed into Central London.

A courier company on the M25 ring with 25 years service have achieved a parcel consolidation service and have been the recipient the FORS grade silver standard and Cross Rail compliant. This company is operating a parcel consolidation none rush alternative for clients routing packages into Central London.

Established 1989, the vans proudly carried 25 year logos and FORS silver stickers processing up to two thousand overnight consignments a day. Cross rail compliant with cycle scheme for accident avoidance. The drivers are split between self-employed and employed by vehicle size. Quality recognition from clients gave the votes to see this company as National Courier and Dispatch Association (NCDA) Courier Company of the Year, winners two years in a row.



Road Safety Award

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Sean McGrae & Mathew Woodcock receive the award for Tarmac from Mike Brown MVO, TfL


Road safety category  - ‘safety of courier cyclists in city density traffic’

Tarmac operate from 330 sites and transport over 70 million tonnes of materials by road each year using a subcontractor fleet of over 800 firms with 1,450 vehicles, together with 1,300 spot hire vehicles and our own fleet of 250 trucks.

Tarmac have taken significant steps to improve the safety of transport operations, one focus has been cycle safety in the Uk cities and particularly London where many cycle couriers operate.

Our solution was two-fold: to improve vehicle safety levels across our subcontractor and own fleet; firstly with investment in a major retrofit programme; and secondly by championing nationwide compliance with the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS).    

A significant financial investment ensured that all  new vehicles and those being acquired new by contractor hauliers were fitted to the level specified by the Work Related Road Risk (WRRR) standard developed by the Construction Logistics Cyclist Safety (CLOCs) working group. This included side underrun bars for otherwise exempted vehicles, nearside and front proximity sensors, audible left turn warning systems, and signage to warn courier cyclists of the risks around moving trucks.

By early 2015, we completed the retrofit to this standard of 1,100 existing vehicles over 8 years old to this standard.

We identified the importance of FORS as an industry accreditation to uplift standards across our own operations and those of the wider construction logistics industry.

Commenting on Tarmac’s approach to its fleet and work for FORS, John Hix, at the FORS Community Partnership said:

Tarmac's innovative approach to develop an accredited in-house capability to audit its fleet and subcontractor vehicles represents a major corporate commitment to boost vehicle and driver safety standards.  By taking these steps it helped to efficiently drive compliance, embed consistent standards and provide its subcontractor drivers with the necessary training and financial support to adapt vehicles and embrace behavioural change.

Critically, the company has also looked beyond its own transport operation. It has played a leading role in helping the FORS Community Partnership to take accreditation from a London scheme to become a well-known national standard. We needed to engage with the notoriously hard-to-reach owner operator community at a national level and Tarmac’s support was vital to achieving this goal.



Chairman's Citation

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Emily White receives her award from Tracy Aust, Principal West Thames College

Emily White

Job title: Contract Site, Location: Carlise

An archivist who took her for truck licence to change career and make logistics her new focus. Recognised at national level and giving skills back to the next generation.

Already a Women in Logistics finalist she was at the IMHX NEC trade show last month to win a place in the RTITB national fork truck finals.

Emily moved from work as an archivist to logistics warehouse and express where she has held her fork licence with RTITB for three years.

Reaching manager level, she is at the heart of giving back knowledge and skills to the next generation as she looks set to be nationally recognised at the highest level of operations skill on her favourite e14 warehouse truck.

Her signature move on the fork truck is two pips before the turn, her favourite machine is a Linde E14 machine that she has fondly named Peter. A four wheel truck with over four hundred amp hours and a smart lick of repaint.

Qualifying for the RTITB national final Emily had to work the handles and raise a variation of objects from barrels to children’s air toys, she had to delicately pour the children’s ball toys from hopper to hopper using the truck, the pressure was on, timescales measured and any fault or impact would have excluded her from the completion.

IOC fellows were at the INHX for a snap shot view of the tri-annual mega show live from the NEC.  People in the spotlight, RTITB hosted a final selection for the UK fork truck supremo, girl driver Emily White took the day’s win for System in Carlisle and steps into the National final alongside a shortlist nomination for the National Courier Awards.



2 Wheels Award

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Tamas Bardos receives his award from Carl Lomas, Chair IoC with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Tamas Bardos

Job title: Pushbike courier, CitySprint, Age: 36, Call Sign: P83, Location: London Central

A well liked professional cycle courier, six years in the saddle of his cycle working Central London, great confidence from his controllers who recognise excellent communication skills on the job, the same great relationship is recognised by clients testimonials. He is proud to wear the uniform and we are proud to nominate him for a National Courier Award.

Tamas has been with our company since 2010. His dedication, knowledge of our area and passion for working as a pushbike courier make him a real asset to our circuit.

The dispatchers at our London office always feel completely confident when giving him customer specific, important or urgent work. We know it’s in capable hands and that Tamas will really go above and beyond to get the job delivered and completed.

Tamas always keeps front of mind that communication is key in what we do, and that at the end of each and every delivery is one of our valued customers. He has a great relationship with staff members and customers alike, and enjoys a very good reputation with the team. He is often available to his dispatchers at short notice, ready to support us and provide his highly capable delivery services.  

Tamas’s skills also extend to being a very talented caterer. He is often found sharing his home-cooked treats with the other pushbike couriers to ensure the whole team well fed, motivated and ready to go (at his own expense!).

He is proud to wear his uniform – and we’re proud to have him with us.

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Since 2010 Tamas has become a very much valued member of our pushbike fleet. Seemingly always cheerful, it’s always a pleasure to hear Tamas’s hearty “Hello!” when he comes into the office. He has an excellent attendance record and a very professional attitude to courier work - you know Tamas will go the extra mile to ensure the delivery goes as smoothly and professionally as possible. He is often requested by clients who have specifically asked for him and in some cases who are happy to wait for him to become available.

“All in all a well-liked and very proficient courier.” Fleet Courier Liaison Advisor,  London

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Dave Colley (centre right) receives his award from Carl Lomas, Chair IoC with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Dave Colley

Job title: Motorbike courier, GLH, Call Sign V35,  Location: London

A former osteopath, having cycled most of the world Dave moved to motorbike to do a job he truly enjoys.  Dave is a ‘’people person’’ and his willingness to always help out and consistently put others needs before his own are impressively demonstrated in the commendations below. Watch out for him on the BBC for supporting police on the Mall help save the life of a cycle courier.
Dave says that he’s often asked why he doesn’t return to his profession as an Osteopath. His reply ‘’ I get far more satisfaction from a vocation I truly enjoy – being a motorcycle courier’’

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On 13th June ’16 Giles Walker emailed to commend Dave when he stopped to assist Giles, after he ran out of petrol on the M40. Without any prompting Dave rode to a petrol station, bought a petrol can, filled it with fuel and returned to Giles to get him going again. Giles stated ‘’Dave is an asset to your company’’.

On 9th July Dave was ‘’splitting traffic’’ through the West End when a motorist opened a car door on him. The accident ‘’de-gloved’’ his right hand, resulting in him needing surgery and 16 stitches to repair the damage. Yet four weeks later he was back in the saddle again.

On 6th September he was the primary witness to a horrendous collision between a cyclist and a black taxi on The Mall. At their request, he assisted the Royal Protection Police with trying to keep the cyclist stable, until the Air Ambulance arrived. He then stayed another 2 hours at the further request of the forensics team, whilst they carried out their investigations.
The BBC were filming with the Air Ambulance on the day and it is likely his actions will be shown on the TV at some stage in the near future. Dave is keen to see this, as he wants to know how the cyclist’s recovery is coming on.

Dave practiced as an Osteopath originally and prior to joining his courier company caught a plane to New Zealand, with the intention of cycling back to see the world!

When he returned home 18 months later, in March 2016, Dave joined his courier company as a Motorcycle Courier – he’d probably had enough of cycling at this point!?



4 Wheels Award

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Gary Brewer receives his award from Carl Lomas, Chair IoC with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Gary Brewer

Parcel Express Overnight  - Driver, Age: 29, Industry  2 years, Location: Plymouth

Gary has long been known in our company as the extra mile helpful person. Always willing to assist a new driver, help when someone was off sick and do a little bit more when asked.  So it came as no surprise when in January 2016, Gary Brewer helped rescue a couple.  
An elderly and vulnerable couple had become trapped in their vehicle in the rising flood water in Plymouth in their vehicle.  The water was within eight inches of the top of the roof at the time Gary rescued them.  He had to break the window with his arm, injuring himself whilst doing so.  Not only were the couple elderly but the passenger was also disabled.  When the ambulance arrived they said “we may not have been looking at such a fortunate result without his actions”.

Added to this nomination we want Gary to be recognized as a highly regarded colleague and professional. Proud to be a driver, wearing his uniform, keeping an immaculate vehicle, always spending time when other drivers need help he is a team player. Polite and friendly to all, customers and mangers alike!

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On this particular occasion an elderly and vulnerable couple had become trapped in their vehicle in the rising flood water in Plymouth in their vehicle.  The water was within eight inches of the top of the roof at the time Gary rescued them.  He had to break the window with his arm, injuring himself whilst doing so.  Not only were the couple elderly but the passenger was also disabled.  When the ambulance arrived they said “we may not have been looking at such a fortunate result without his actions”.

Gary was later recognised by local council and ambulance service in recognition of his heroic actions.

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Allan Hayes receives his award from Carl Lomas, Chair IoC with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Allan Hayes

Job title: Van Driver, TNT, Age: 71, Industry 6 years, Location: Byfleet

Determination not to let down the client or his fellow team. Working beyond the extra mile.

Alan’s priority is to provide a professional but personal service to all clients and is testament to the work ethic and commitment with which he approaches every single day. Alan has shown real commitment to the job and has truly gone the extra mile.

A great representative for our company Alan’s charm and level of empathy always delights our customers, who in many cases ask for him by name to make their deliveries. He demonstrated true professional values throughout his working time, always maintains an excellent level of commitment no matter how challenging the circumstances.

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His commitment to the customer was illustrated one particular week when on the Monday morning he woke feeling very unwell. Determined not to let anyone down, he nonetheless came to the depot as normal. Despite colleagues commenting that he looked visibly unwell, he insisted he wanted to carry on working, as he knew how important deliveries were for the customers and said he was not going to let anyone down. Alan felt a little better as the day went on.

On Tuesday Alan again went into work and said he was not 100% but felt a little better than the day before. Again unwell, but determined not to let anyone down, Alan reported to start work on the Wednesday. At this stage colleagues insisted he must go to see a doctor, which Alan promised to do, but only at the end of the day after that day’s deliveries had been completed. Upon seeing the doctor Alan was referred immediately to the Emergency Department at the local hospital. On arrival at the hospital Alan insisted on taking time out to phone us, and seemed more concerned that he may be letting the customers down if he could not come in the next day, than he was about his own condition. Later Alan’s wife called to say he was having a heart attack and that medics were keeping him in hospital due to the severity of his condition. Two weeks, and two successful operations later, Alan insisted on returning to work as he was determined not to create extra work for colleagues and he didn’t want to leave anyone in the lurch.

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Errol Rodney receives his award from Carl Lomas, Chair IoC with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Errol Rodney

Job title: Van courier, Gnewt, Industry 2 years, Location:  London

He spent months meticulously planning and refining his route’s until he had formulated the most efficient ways to deliver the most number of parcels. Errol has the ability to build genuine customer relationships. He has built these on reliability and offering extra customer services such as calling customers if they are not in, to see if there is another suitable place he can leave their parcel for them.

Errol joined the company over two years ago with no previous experience of being a delivery driver. Unlike most new recruits, he wasn’t fazed by the challenge.

Errol is incredibly determined to constantly improve; extremely reliable and an integral part of the team. He is always the first to offer his help to other drivers and has often taken on more rounds so everyone’s objectives are met.

One of Errol’s most observed qualities is his dedication to do his job to the very best of his ability. From day one, he was determined to be the best delivery driver he could; so much so, for the first eight months he took home the map of his area every night until he knew it off by heart.

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A second quality of Errol’s is his attention to detail. He spent months meticulously planning and refining his route until he had formulated the most efficient ways to deliver the most number of parcels. His hard work paid off as he is consistently our highest employed driver. Delivering up to 500 parcels a day (averaging up to 62 an hour).
A third quality of Errol’s is his ability to build genuine customer relationships. He has built these on reliability and offering extra customer services such as calling customers if they are not in to see if there is another suitable place he can leave their parcel for them.

Winning this award would be a great testament to Errol’s hard work and achievements.

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Lizzie Thistlebank receives her award from Carl Lomas, Chair IoC with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Lizzie Thistlebank

Job title: Van courier, CitySprint , Age: 39, Call Sign CB09, Location: Cambridge

Lizzie always looks at the bigger picture and focusses on ensuring that the client’s requirements are exceeded. Client testimonial cites her engaging to build the show stand she delivered exhibition parts for and achieving the final goal for that client.

Lizzie has been an inspiring member of the courier team for a year now. Her exceptional customer service made a significant impact on the service, and she was immediately identified as a key member of an elite courier team.
Her positive attitude not only impresses our key clients but has a positive influence on our courier fleet in general, especially new couriers, who benefit from her “can do” approach to any job in hand.  In addition, Lizzie is always keen to grow her skills by adopting speciality work and undertake training sessions.

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One client wrote in after Lizzie had assisted beyond her remit when delivering and collecting for them. This client was at a conference when Lizzie always keen to support our clients assisted willingly to help build, when delivering and helped breakdown the stand when collecting to assisting the customer to finish the job on time. These are sometimes very challenging time windows and not a job she is paid for. Many couriers would be put off by the idea of running 100s of miles for no extra benefit, but Lizzie always looks at the bigger picture and focusses on ensuring that the client’s requirements are exceeded.

Another example of how valued she is by clients, is that the age of her vehicle meant she was removed from a specific client. When the client discovered this, they asked that she be reinstated immediately, preferring to overlook the age of the vehicle for a period of time to keep her available to work for them.

She will always be the first to volunteer whenever we support local charities and ask for drivers to help.



Contract Driver Award


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Ana Diaz Mariano receives her award from Carl Lomas, Chair IoC with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Ana E Diaz Mariano

Job title: Van Driver, TNT, Industry  18 months, Location: London

Ana is focused on ensuring the service she provides is perfect. She has multiple testimonials. Not only does she ensure much-needed medical deliveries reach their destination, she has a flexibility which can only be admired. Multi-skilled in both scheduled and dynamic routes, she is always happy to cover other runs, support the wider team and is consistently one of the first drivers to load and depart each day.

Over the period there have been numerous challenges that she has overcome with her positive demeanour and skill:

Ana has demonstrated time and again that she is an example of just what a courier should be, with an attitude that will not be defeated. She is a true ambassador for our company and its commitment to going the extra mile for its customers.

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Example 1 - While completing deliveries in London, an individual attempted to rob Ana. Although her mobile phone was stolen, Ana ensured that all customer property remained secure. She then quickly contacted the depot via a pay phone to report the incident, confirm she was ok and source a spare sat nav to enable her to quickly get back on the road.

Example 2
At short notice, due to driver illness, volunteers were needed to support another site delivering pharmaceutical items. Ana was the first to volunteer and despite being unfamiliar with the routes and performed perfectly for an entire week making the deliveries.

Example 3
While completing a delivery to a pharmacy in North East London, Ana was unfortunately mugged for a second time. Not only did she again ensure her own and her vehicle’s safety, but following her previous experience she was fully prepared to carry on working as under her own initiative had started carrying a spare sat nav within her vehicle. This incident truly demonstrated how her adherence to procedures, and her determination to succeed means that she will always stay safe and look to overcome all obstacles in her way.

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Michael Graham Nolan receives his award from Carl Lomas, Chair IoC with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Michael Graham Nolan

Job title: Contract Courier, CitySprint, Age: 69, Call Sign: IN69, Location: South London

My nominee for the courier of the year has to go to a man that has shone in every aspect and all requirements needed for the courier industry. He is outstanding with customers, showing care and attention to every detail as well as always having a friendly attitude towards everybody. He has never been late in starting his daily duties in the time that I have had the pleasure working with him.

Nothing is a chore and he goes above and beyond in his daily delivery and collections. And all round solid character!

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Mick will celebrate his 70th birthday at the end of September, but his performance remains well above many of his peers. Now on the cusp of retirement, it would be fitting, that he is formally recognised for his contributions to the industry. (Controller)

Mick has been visiting our offices for the past eight years and it has been an absolute pleasure to deal with him. Mick is a gentleman he is always polite and cheerful. He is helpful if I ever need any advice on anything I am sending out. He is patient, as you can imagine that from time to time he has to wait a little for someone to come down to reception. He never moans when he sees a pile of boxes either. I deal with a lot of external contractors and without a doubt Mick is my favourite. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him for this award and would add that he is a great ambassador for your industry.

I worry there are not enough people in the service industry today with his high standards! Clare Smith, Facilities Manager - Client

Mick previously worked at the London Bus Company as a bus driver, retiring after 17 years of service. With his wealth of knowledge and experience on UK roads, Mick took to his role as a courier very quickly. He encompasses all the qualities of a great courier. He has excellent routing and directional skills, is very effective at record-keeping and has outstanding time management – all of which puts him head and shoulders above his peers.



Contract Site Award

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Kim Adams receives her award from Carl Lomas, Chair IoC with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Kim Adams

Job title: Account Manager, CitySprint, Industry 9 years, Location: London

Kim is the “go to” face for this client’s needs. Despite the extremely remote Alaskan location, Kim went the extra mile working with the international team to ensure the consignment was safely delivered. On a separate occasion, following the filming of a well-known TV series, Kim arranged for a van to collect leftover items from the film set and had them distributed to local charities.  

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Kim has been with our team since 2007 and has gained an excellent – and impressive – knowledge matched to experience. Kim consistently works to an exceptional standard, rising to tackle every issue that arises; to Kim there are no problems, only challenges.  Through her work with the onsite team, Kim has developed an understanding of the account and client, her knowledge being second to none. Kim has learnt a diverse range of skills through her work, which she continually finds new ways to put into practise. In addition to the strong relationships Kim has developed around the campus and the manner in which she responds to requests that would challenge any logistics expert, Kim has quickly become the “go to” face for this client’s needs.
Kim regularly goes above and beyond the call of duty at work, and two instances of this are particularly resonant with me. During a filming in Alaska, the client came to Kim for assistance in getting a crucial consignment to the film crew. The team had forgotten to take a carnet document; without which they would be unable to return the filming equipment. Whilst Kim’s dedication to the industry shines through her client work, this also translates to her wider contribution to our business. Kim recently worked with the marketing department to put together a “pop up kiosk” giving the client employees the opportunity to meet the team and receive a branded production survival kit. Kim’s work on the project ranged from input into the survival kit content right through to meeting and distributing kits across the whole client campus.   

Kim is tirelessly hard-working and her bright, bubbly approach combined with her professional attitude make her the perfect fit for our customers. Earlier this year, the Facilities Director of our client (Ian Jones) singled out Kim for her exceptional work. For this reason, I strongly believe Kim deserves to win this award.


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Steve Wiley receives his award from Carl Lomas, Chair IoC with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Steve Wiley

Job title: Warehouse Supervisor, APC Manchester, Age: 40, Industry  5 years, Location: Manchester


A willing and dedicated person for whom nothing is too much trouble. Great customer skills when customers call in, offering his experience and advice regarding the packaging of their freight and which service to choose.

He is well organised and a committed team player who gets the best from his colleagues and getting our overnight trunkers out on time.

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He is an experienced Fork Lift Truck driver and frequently assists our Pick and Pack customers without being prompted and looks after their stock movements. He is adaptable and a creative thinker when presented with problems.

Steve is that sort of guy who just keeps going.  Day in day out he achieves his role with flare and competence. Always happy, happy to help and keeping everyone else happy in their work.

He leads by example and if nothing else this trait is a powerful means to motivate others to do not just their best but better!
All in all, an individual who comes to the fore and is able and willing to solve issues



Office Award

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Paul McCarten receives his award from Mike Brown MVO, TfL with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Paul McCarten

Job title: Customer Service Supervisor, CitySprint, Age:  43, Industry 5 years, Location: London


Paul has cultivated strong industry relationships, from integrated agents to wholesalers. In short, Paul is a true reflection of reliability, accountability, flair and empathy.

Paul has a fantastic way of communicating his extensive industry knowledge to customers to help them understand complex aspects of the logistics industry, such as the routing of shipments. His written and verbal communications skills have proven invaluable and allowed him to manage issues around difficult customs delays with panache, always keeping the customer at the top of his priority list.

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There are very few people within the industry now that have the adaptability and knowledge that Paul has, and it’s a pleasure to work alongside Paul on a daily basis.
Dean Ali, General Manager.

Paul joined us in May 2011 he had previously worked within the Emergency Medical Despatch (Ambulance)team. It’s no surprise that has performance exceeded expectations. As the department grew, Paul progressed to Training Supervisor, then International Customer Service Supervisor, responsible for a team of 8. Alongside his Supervisory obligations in Customer Services, Paul also provides additional support tasks covering H&S, fire safety, new computer set up, water and milk orders, and a number of other vital services that keeps the office running. Absolutely none of these duties are in his job description, yet he takes such pride in doing them well.

Paul has a real eye for detail, a quiet authority and a thoroughly professional manner in everything he does, he is well organised, knowledgeable and presents extremely well.  He’s a fun guy to be around and his sense of humour absolutely carries over to his professional duties.  David Morgan, Product Team - Client

Thank you for your thorough email in regards to the Toronto shipment. I appreciate the help you have been providing along the way; having you as a point of contact has made this a lot easier. Natalie Burrows Marketing Manager – Client

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Ellie Moy receives her award from Mike Brown MVO, TfL with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Ellie Moy

Job title: Business Development Manager, Point 2 Point, Age: 30, Industry 10 years, Location: London

Ellie started straight from school in the company and has worked hard to achieve the knowledge and competence of someone twice her age.
It is her awareness in situations that have shown how astute she is.
Diligently and systematically she has carried out different roles in the company to understand every aspect of the business, even been out on a job or two.

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The time and personal effort she has put into her career lead her to take on a new role as business development manager. Bringing all aspects of the business together and using all the knowledge of the different roles she is able to provide the customer with the right solution to their problem whilst not causing more problems for the drivers. She understands why things work well, she appreciates the individuals at work and she is able to pursue solutions for the customer well within the company’s capabilities.
On Thursday 4th August Ellie was working in the operations department covering holiday leave, after lunch she was on a call to a customer when she noticed one of the other girls in the office walking around with her hands around her throat, turning a strange shade of blue and making very loud gurgling noises.

Very coolly she asked the customer if she could put him on hold for a moment as she had a member of staff choking !!

She then got up and proceeded to perform the Heimlich Manoeuvre, after a couple of squeezes a lump of chicken burger was ejected at great velocity, she then sat the patient down, gave her a glass of water and then returned to her phone call, apologised for the delay and carried on making the booking.

The customer did not even ask if everything was ok.

As Ellie is not an official first aider when asked how she knew what to do she said she remembered the scene from Mrs. Doughtfire !!

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Alison Savage receives her award from Mike Brown MVO, TfL with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Alison Savage

Job title: National Support Manager, CitySprint , Age: 27, Location: Hemel Hempstead

Multiple client testimonials - Her ability to find suitable couriers in sensitive and challenging situations is second to none and with her patient abilities to train new and existing staff on our systems and processes has quickly led Ali to become one of our strongest operators within our business.

She has made an outstanding contribution to every role that she undertakes within our company.

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Alison combines experience gained in a number of roles across the business with tenacity and dedication to be a fantastic all-round employee, who is the first port of call when colleagues have a query and enjoys the respect of everyone she works with. The skills and temperament that she has brought to the role are second to none and have earned her the admiration of everyone who works with her.

I just wanted to call out that Alison has done an outstanding job. She has been very supportive and helped us recover a number of situations. She has remained calm when issues did arise, kept me and the store informed and ensured the situation was recovered and our customers were not impacted.  She has got on well with the whole team and gives me confidence that things are on track and in control.
Michael Eggleston Store Manager - Client

Ali’s operational knowledge and application has quickly become well known throughout the business and her assistance is sought and used in all areas of the business both Regionally and more recently in London.  Her ability to find suitable couriers in sensitive and challenging situations is second to none and with her patient abilities to train new and existing staff on our systems and processes has quickly led Ali to become one of our strongest operators within our business.

Her commitment to the business, her excellent work ethic and her ability to adapt should be recognised and her efforts are greatly appreciated by all within our company. General Manager London - Company



MOD Awards

Military to Civilian

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Andrew Currie receives his award from Lt Colonel Brett Duxbury with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Andrew Currie

Employer: Rush Couriers, Call Sign: C390

Andrew Currie C390 joined Rush Couriers following a short break away from the courier industry in September 2014 and previous to his career as a courier he spent 10 years as a Grenadier Guard.  All of the military skills that he had learnt as a Guardsman have been utilised in his new career such as map-reading, problem solving, discipline and organisation. Andrew started in a small company Nemo van, but soon transferred to a Luton van, due to the fact his ability and application really made him stand out from his peers in the control team. He quickly became the selected team member for customers and controllers alike.  If a task was awkward in time, size or location, Andrew would be despatched to deal with it. He approaches difficult situations with the same calm “can do” attitude that customers appreciate even when under considerable pressure.

Andrew was selected to become a multi-drop driver in EC2 for the APC Network Same day control and as expected Andrew tackled this challenge with usual determination ensuring the commercial success within his postcode areas.  A regular customer and high volume user of our service commented that there could be no amount of money spent on technology that could replicate Andrew’s outstanding local knowledge.

 Andrew is a natural courier, organised, reliable, helpful, knowledgeable and fully deserves this award.

Army Reservist Award

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Sgt. Dean Channell receives his award from Lt Colonel Brett Duxbury with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Sgt. Dean Channell - 562 (Southall) Squadron 151 Regiment RLC

Sgt Channell is awarded the Army Reserve Award 2016 in recognition of his long term dedication and commitment to both the Army Reserve in general and 562 Transport Squadron 151 Regiment, the Royal logistic Corps (RLC) in particular.  This Squadron is a high readiness Military unit committed to supporting 10 Queens Own Ghurka Logistic Regiment in any immediate overseas deployment.

Sgt Channell is acting as a Troop Staff Sergeant, responsible for commanding the drivers and truck deployments for the lead A Troop in 562 Transport Squadron based in Southall London.  He joined the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) at 562 Brigade Support Squadron RLC on 04 Mar 1988, became a Vehicle Machine and Tactical Storeman and was promoted to lance corporal.

In Sep 1992 Sgt Channell passed his HGVlicence and was promoted to Corporal and was awarded the Volunteer Reserve Service Medal (VRSM) for 10 years’ service to the Army Reserve.  In 2004, he deployed to Iraq on OP TELIC and was awarded the Iraq Medal and in 2009 he had completed 20 years’ service and awarded bars to the VRSM.

Sergeant Channell transferred to 562 Transport Squadron RLC in Feb 2014 and was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. He is an instructor in many subjects including Land Navigation, CBRN and First Aid, he has also recently passed his Fork Lift Rough Terrain, Recruit Management and Train the Trainer Courses. Sgt Channell is an outstanding example to his peers and subordinates alike and an excellent Army Reservist.  He thoroughly deserves this award. 

Military Award of Distinction

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Peter Greatorex receives his award from Lt Colonel Brett Duxbury with Master Carmen Stephen Britt and Master Farrier John Peacock

Peter Greatorex

Job Title: Postal and Courier Operator for the British Forces Post Office.

During his service as a Postal and Courier Operator, Mr Greatorex has undertaken a series of duties collecting and delivering mail within the UK and overseas. A number of tasks have been to difficult locations and have involved overcoming challenges in order to successfully deliver and collect items of mail for the many British Forces Post Office customers.

Mr Greatorex is highly proactive and diligent with exceptional interpersonal and communication skills. He has a calm, professional and efficient persona that allows emerging situations to be resolved amongst airline staff, customs and immigration officials and customers around the world. He provides exemplary service for military duties overseas and in the UK and is an excellent ambassador for the British Forces Post Office.  He was graded as the top Operator on a moderation panel this year and should be extremely proud of his achievements throughout his service in the British Forces Post Office.  He is wholeheartedly recommended for the Institute of Couriers Award in the Military Category.





Read 2122 times Last modified on Wednesday, 18 October 2017 03:18

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