IoC news

IoC news

Industry news of relevance to Fellows and Members

DPD new UK super hub, 1000 jobs at Hinckley in the LLEP region.

Queens award for enterprise.

Lord-Lieutenant of Leicestershire, Jennifer, Lady Gretton, was on hand to present DPD with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise, on behalf of the Queen.

Ready for 2015 Black Friday Peak.

Carl Lomas presented the China VPs, Mr Xiao and Zhou Wunong with the very latest D2N2 annual transport & logistics report magazines & introduced CEVA apprentice Daniel Blay.

Engaging the logisticians in discussions around the World challenges of the sector.

East Midlands Logistics Centre Opened by the Rt Hon Patrick Mcloughlin MP Sec of State for Transport

Greater Manchester (TfGM) launch TRANSPORT STRATEGY 2040 today

Head of Logistics for TfGM Helen Smith was delighted to discuss strategy of cities with Patrick Gallagher CEO of CitySprint and Professor Tony Hines of Manchester Metropolitian University; when visiting Cartmarking with the IoC at Guildhall yard London. Helen recently announced the Transport strategy of 2040 for Greater Manchester called Our Vision.

'It sets out a vision for the transport newtwork that we believe Greater manchester needs by 2040 to deliver World Class connections that support long-term sustainable economic growth and access to opportuniities for all'. Greater Manchester want to hear your views now, through a twelve week consultation this summer before the first of the five year plans are prepared in 2016.

For further detail or to log your views click here Greater Manchester 2040 Our Vision

IOC president Lord Falkland & Sheriff Fiona Adler were at the ancient guild ceremony of cartmarking for a bumper turnout of transport education and government to talk shop and discuss the future of the transport & logistics sector. July 15th at Guildhall Yard, City of London.

Kate Lester FIoC takes Entrepreneur crown at Real Business First Womens Awards 2015 and Zoe Powers FIoC takes top award of Everywoman in Transport

Carl Lomas D2N2 Transport & Logistics chair with Beverley Bell Traffic Commissioner, Peter Acton Logistics Leaders alliance and BDO Sam Irving.

Big turn out in D2N2 LLEP logistics heartland for Sustaining High Quality Freight Operations seminar.  What is the transport and logistics strategy for the future?

Carl Lomas, RLC Staff Sargent John Rock, College principal Marjorie Semple, Seema Malhotra MP on the Yale fork truck, Lisa Dixon, GLA and Jill Goddard World Skills, Michael Heanue GLA.


Spotlight on Logistics Golden Triangle

National and regional logistics employers joined forces to look at the future strategy of Leicester and Leicestershire LEP.