The AGM was a full house attendance from manufacturers of bikes, electric and petrol to driver trainers, kit and accessory producers.
Karen Cole, MCIA,
MCIA are working with FORS on a two day CBT top-up for rider training with individuals who are working on bikes. Funded by TfL to help working riders make the very best first steps on two wheels, understand London-centric issues such as red routes and traffic filtering.
Stewart Lovatt, Highways England,
The new Framework is an alliance for safety with the MCIA, we are working towards zero harm, while travelling on the UK road network. Third edition is a comprehensive strategy for safer infrastructure for motorcyclists.
Stewart went on to talk Highways England structure with the private company with a single shareholder, that shareholder is the Secretary of State for Transport.
Tim Madgwich talked Bike Safe as a solution to the new framework launched with rider training at its heart. Craig Clarey Clinch, ‘Framework strategy takes us beyond safety, a gain for society to use two wheels. The plug-in grant for electrics at fifteen hundred pounds.’ Tony Campbell, Piaggio, ‘Get on experience introduction to two wheels has been a great success, half of everyone who tries gets involved’