TfL LoCity – Alternative Fuel Vehicles - Nine years old

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Discussing the business case to drive down emissions.

Sodium-ion batteries in discussion.



LoCity meeting by TfL for operator vision on alternative fuel freight vehicles in London, the multi-table event took place at TfL HQ on Thursday 18th July. Energetically chaired by Carl Lomas from the Inst of couriers who asked operators at the tables for their challenge points today. Business case and infrastructure topped the straw poll votes. Future Sodium-Ion battery talk was around five hundred miles with ten min charge, but need for copper in the ground was in the future. Lomas reflected on clean roads in London five hundred years ago. He introduced Cartmarking ceremony that will be on Saturday, the oldest vehicle taxation in the world, marking carts for freight use in The City of London by the Lord Mayor to raise a tax to clean the streets. Lomas then outlined the groups two key past headline focus items. First, the Business Model for affordability of alternative fuel vehicles, Secondly the Infrastructure, two streams, fleet at depot and individual driver charging at home address. With nine years of LoCity the group of operators including Royal Mail and UPS with depts from C40 to DfT were all in the room, they were asked to identify their key challenges, the list is below.

LoCity operator group key challenges for alternative fuel vehicles

Catalyse clean air wins inside available resources.

Availability to join forces for infrastructure.

Business Case to drive down emissions

Regulation Certainty

Technology maturity

4.25 t derogation for EV van regulation clarity still grey

Urgency for net zero

But urgency fading on shift to clean air vehicles!

Skills for alternative vehicle, e-bike to HGV - hydrogen to LPG and EV

Land availability for infrastructure.

Future steps are becoming urgent under vehicle life scales that are purchased today.


Isaac Little delivered the overview...

well done the speakers. TFL are looking at shared charging. TFL are bringing focus to HGV and coaches. TFL want to help coaches in particular. One extra highlight for next Wed, a single standard this year for Cargo Bikes in London. At TFL Palestra next Wed.

A busy agenda of keynotes followed...

Silver Town tunnel charges to an Islington Bourgh talking sun to wheel project. Isaac Little spoke TFL choice of delivery vehicle as Cargo Bike while John and Nicola spoke on toolkits for next steps in cargo bikes., Then a view from BSI on latest charging regulations that needed to be global, not just national. Introducing the BSI The Flex standards 2071 2072 & 2073. 2071 focused on publicly accessible charging sites.


Silver Town Tunnel update Laura Carleton

An eight week consultation, looking at charges, discounts and concession, TFL is ready to deliver briefings to operators and groups. Its time to talk charge in Siver Town Tunel and Laura Carleton welcomes your contact to do that talk.

TfL clean freight lessons and priorities by Caroline Buneder

Caroline spoke TFL delivering commercial vehicle comments,. Data is in, the dashboard is available to vie on the TFL web. Freight lessons aimed at boroughs. Various meetings with stakeholders have built data on charging infrastructure. Three areas, HGV, Environment, Decarbonisation for supply chain. For HGV. There is a TFL workstream on heavy vehicle, charging infrastructure, space availability, TFL working with boroughs to deliver HGV infrastructure. Working with partners to provide infrastructure. Environment, 2025 new version of FORS featured. Cargo Bike plan. Cargo Bike action plan set to be delivered in the next key note.

New programme to support HGV and Coaches decarbonisation

TfL Cameron Cox & Mark Poulton delivered the key note. HGVs and coaches approximately 3 times the GHG emissions. TFL are due to look at coaches and HGVs, looking at refuelling plans, view that 2040 point for no emissions is only 16 years away. Aprox twenty seven thousand coaches in the UK. Electricity or Hydrogen, TFL are fuel neutral. Hydrogen or electricity.

Cameron facilitated a table activity to brain storm HGV and Cach Decarbonisation.

Islington council – a borough view of clean air decarbonisation journey.

Chris Demmetriou opened with decarbonisation of Islington. 6 square miles, 260 thousand population. Building zero carbon for 2030. We have focused on Ev fleet for borough. We have invested 38 million to replace to ev vehicles. Separately a 6 million infrastructure investment to make sure these vehicles get charged. Chris spoke about re-powering diesel waste trucks to EV, today there are four about to return to fleet, re-powered. We have a mixture of AcC and DC charge locations. Combination of 7kw & 22kw AC. 100kw and 200kw DC. Most of our sites have needed more power and connexions. At the Waste transfer station by Caledonian Road it cost 5.9 million pounds for the whole infrastructure job of charges and supply. Presently at 3.5 mega watts. We are still spreading charge across tme, we believe this is one of the largest infrastructure sites in the UK.

Sun to wheel. Phase two and three for Islington is about solar panels,(as much as 23kw)

Islington Borough wants to share infrastructure, making our site available to external contractors. We need external sites to provide support for systems failures that may occur. Van fleet at Islington often charges at workers home, Islington looking to support charge points at home for these individuals. Workplace charging scheme still exists. Chris showcased real world data on the vehicle fleet at Islington and committed to value for EV. The future, ‘we must move away from earth depleting minerals. Sodium-Ion batteries are likely arrive with better range. What is stopping us using wireless charging for heavier vehicles.

Cargo Bike Plan Launch – John Oustream – Isaac Little

‘TFL want cargo bikes to be the delivery vehicle of choice for London.’ John explained the last mile moment and getting micro hubs in the right place and being sure to have safety embedded. John talked about guidance, loading cargo bikes, training, operating. Cargo bike Tool Kit. Nicola on the TFL cargo bike team spoke about the existing tool kit for Cargo Bikes, a practical three step guide to delivering for cargo bikes. Leas or buy, with case studies, an online download for the tool kit.

BSI Standards for HGV Charge sites

Matteo Novati from BSI the national standards body. Standards need to be global not just national. Trials have taken place in the UK across EV and hydrogen. Lots of questions about how to deal with materials, how do we design storage, we need clarity on safety for the technologies. BSI The Flex standards 2071 2072 & 2073 - Three standards are in development. Flex 2071, design of publicly accessible charging sites. Flex 2072, Workshops for inspection and maintenance of zero emission HGVs. Flex 2073 – Dispensing sites for hydrogen. Flex 2071 for publicly accessible sites is focused on visibility and measurements, safety for drivers and pedestrians, electrical safety and fire safety. BSI are looking at space around the charge zone, access around the whole site, from vans to HGVs and coaches. – Consultations on these standards is open and BSI wants to hear from you.

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Photo gallery for TFL LoCity July 18th


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