TfL Freight Forum – Back at the Table

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Air Quality goalposts moving.

Steps toward a single charge for London.

IOC at the TfL Freight forum was back at the table. First 'back at table' since July 2019, a strong turn-out and also a hybrid meeting format, with more guests on the screen to fill the room.

Tesco to John Lewis, DHL and Amazon. London charging steps: from a multiplicity of schemes to just one. Direct Vision Standard moving into phase two. Cargo Cycle growth in London and a review of hierarchy of roadside delivery parking access.



Alex Williams, Director of City Planning, Chair

It’s been too long since we were at real table.

Alex ran an interactive introduction of both the table and screen. Air quality goalposts are moving.


Christina Calderato, Director of Transport Strategy and Policy,

Moving from a multiplicity of schemes to a single charge for London.

The future of road user charging in London. A multiplicity of schemes is moving from four charges including congestion, LEZ and ULEZ to become a single charge. Simple, fair and effective. We do recognise freight as an essential service. ‘Hitting the clean air target is about reducing car traffic, we need to lower car numbers 27% by 2030. We are looking at next generation road charging, (trip time of day, time of trip, length of trip). Charge level is an important part of the factor, it needs to be fair but proportional. We also wish to solve problems of traffic density and air pollution.

Two key questions for the public, ‘What is fair to pay?’ and does the trip need to take place - ‘What things should be considered, transport, household income, pollution?’

It’s a big thank-you to freight traffic for adapting to ULEZ. Outer London remains an issue, there is more to do, clean air is not just a central problem. Expanding the ULEZ by 2023, as consultation continues, we continue to ask for input. The Mayor of London has committed £40 million to the next generation scrappage fund.


Polyvios Polyviou, Direct Vision Standards - Phase 2: update and next steps.

Performance for safe systems varies significantly.

Direct Vision Standard, a journey from 2012. ‘It’s going in the right direction.’ From phase one, TfL has committed to launch phase two. TfL commissioned Loughborough University to do the research (progressive safe system), a draft PSS expected for July. We have working groups with operators. (next operator group meeting is June). So far, the compliance rate is good, over 90% compliance currently in the wider zone. Findings to date, the performance so far for systems varies significantly, ‘we are exploring all latest technologies from cameras to mirror and mirror cameras. Cost impact of technology brings great variation in performance.’


John Oosthuizen, TfL’s strategy on cargo bikes

What can we do to grow the use of cargo bikes? Looking at crowded cycle lanes.

TfL have started to develop a cargo bike strategy, we want to promote cargo bikes in London. What role can TfL do to grow cargo bikes? We are planning a future workshop on cargo bikes. TfL are integrating data for roadside parking to crowding cycle lanes. We have been looking at growth, visibility, stopping distances when loaded. ‘Should there be standards in place?’ Regulatory needs appear high from operator questions.


Alina Tuerk, A strategic approach to hierarchy of kerbside on Transport for London’s Road Network (TLRN)

Alina summarised, TfL are looking at a review of the Transport for London Road Network, (TLRN) a staged approach consultation to establish a hierarchy of kerbside use in a more strategic way to the London roads. Safety, Function and Movement are the headline proposals.


2022 news may tfl alex williams tracey worth

IOC CEO Dr Tracey Worth with Alex Williams TfL, director of City Planning.