DfT STAT Year of Diversity – Transport and Logistics group

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IOC CEO Tracey Worth chaired the DfT STAT board this week in the City of London boardroom of the Carmen transport livery.

Alistair Cochrane Whistl spoke diversity in Express mail and Genevive Amoah, Mango logistics group spoke final mile diversity issues in central London.

Alistair Cochrane, Whistl director, commented

Diversity in Express mail is key to the future of the sector - aligning across the sector, from small through to large employers to ensure we holistically support everyone.

A lively discussion supporting the need of encouraging Diversity and Inclusion policy into the transport and logistics business culture. A loud voice was heard in support for the Year of Diversity – Transport and Logistics.

Alignment across the industry, organisation and companies to engage in a data survey collection to understand the position of Diversity within our industry.

This action strongly supported the need to understand where our baseline is and how to then holistically include all to engage with the need for diversity and inclusion practice in our workplace.

The development of a toolkit, available, accessible, ensuring that all employers large and small have support and access to information, ideas and case studies of how Diversity and Inclusion supports a business. The success of which not only increases employment opportunities for the business but brings in a diverse workforce representative of the population.

Emphasis on the need for apprenticeship recruitment to use this policy to capture those who do not believe this industry is for them, encouraging a new path of employment and showing that our industry is willing and able to meet the needs of a diverse workforce.

Understanding that a toolkit can assist those companies who are not diverse and inclusive to better their opportunities to attract the young and new apprentices

Tracey Worth, CEO of the Institute of Couriers welcomed everyone to the meeting, announcing the support of Jacqui O’Donovan of O’Donovan Waste as Vice Chair of the Diversity & Inclusion panel.

With the support of many companies across road, rail, air and sea transport sectors, this panel looks forward to bringing the change to business culture to ensure Diversity and Inclusion policy becomes expected and part of all businesses, encouraging the development of apprentices.