Lomas, Taylor and the express sector.
While DPD makes a step toward worker status, the IOC sector survey found the majority of operators did not see themselves as Tec or Gig companies. Much of the sector has bricks and mortar depots, substantial sortation platforms, vehicles and workforce. While tec becomes embed, the express courier sector has been around a long time. The workforce was reported by a wide spread of operators to often have multi layers, mixed between PAYE and self-employed, each layer often having mixed status between franchise relationships and the greatest benefit identified was flexibility for the final mile courier in hours and income streams.
Lomas, where are we on the Express qualifications ?
L2, driver operative standard done and L2 sortation in build, there is a national employer workshop on May 9th. At the top end of the quals, there is a L6 Degree apprenticeship focused on next generation managers. The L6 is embed with FORS practitioner and management CPC at the front end, a degree and a sector project to finish. We are very close to DFE IFA clearing the first level 2, the L6 is close behind and will help clear levy funds for large employers looking to upskill existing team to manger level. The degree apprenticeship called Express manager has West London University leading from the Heathrow logistics hot spot. It’s a very sector focused qualification with strong employer input and sector practicality, hence FORS and manager CPC for a perfect working fit to next generation managers in role aiming for higher management.
Where do Express Trailblazers fit in Road-Based Logistics ? - Professional Development Stairway
Occupations in road transport logistics. Three clear streams, respected and mapped by the former skills council into Heavy transport, Warehouse and Express, mail.
The Professional Development Stairway (PDS) was developed by the sector skills council, Skills for Logistics and later adopted by the Logistics Guild and the National Logistics Academy. It is an excellent signpost to occupations in the sector. It was a job done by and for employers and has gained great respect over the years. Based on the functional and occupational mapping that underpinned National Occupational Standards, it set the framework for the logistics sector’s NVQ/SVQ and QCF qualifications.
PDS provided a comprehensive view of the range of job roles in the transport logistics sector open to employees at all levels. The levels of PDS and the transfer and progression routes it illustrates provide a route map for any career in logistics from LGV driver to warehouse worker or sortation hub operative, from postal delivery to international logistics director.
Express delivery operative Level 2
Operative in express delivery, from walking post to cycle, motorcycle, light & heavy van, or truck. The standard passed in July 2016 and the end point went to final edit March 2018. Originally focused on same day courier the express delivery standard developed through employer group meetings, CitySprint to UK Mail, same day courier to network & overnight. Royal Mail and Whistl focused on post and with further retail input from the likes of Asda and Specsavers the Trailblazer represents all forms of final mile delivery to client, from white goods to food, typically home delivery and with strong customer focus. The Institute of Couriers has mapped the standard for delivery & recognises best practice providers who deliver the training.
Express manager, degree Apprenticeship Level 6
Standard agreed July 2017
The Express employer group has a level six degree apprentice Express manager standard published August 2017 following an EOI with BIS in 2016. Close partners are West London University and Derby, Staffordshire and London Met are involved, giving wide UK coverage for the qualification for next-generation managers. FORS practioner and management CPC are embedded, driven by hands on sector focus, next generation manager course designed by employers in the sector.
Express delivery / sortation hub operator Level 2
Operative in an express sortation , load and unload skills to sortation conveyor belt, packages in cages, sortation routes, automation systems to silos for re loading. (Nothing is stored in Express delivery, a happy warehouse/ hub is empty after the shift, every shift.)