Corporate award winners at the 2024 National Courier Awards

 Individual winners at the 2024 National Courier Awards

Vehicles go hands-on from EV to gas, HGV to cycle final mile.

Recruiting our next generation logisticians for West London.

Masterclass delivers vision for logistics 2030.

The five hundred year old City of London trade livery of transport, the Carmen, this week, elected former TfL head of surface transport, IOC Hon fellow Leon Daniels to be Master for a year.

Exceptional briefing, a team of three, delivers triple golden success on employee worker and self-employment status alongside legal lens on AI and commercial property.


Evri announces ambition to become the most accessible parcel company as it partners with disability equality charity Scope.

Three-year commitment to Scope, a leading disability equality charity.

Ambition to become the most accessible parcel delivery company.

Industry leading app improvements enable customers to set accessibility preferences for every delivery.

Duty to represent Brand

Duty lists in Draft 5.6 moves to request for Govt terminology edit to match the employer voice.