Heads of Industry IoC round-table Oct 17 2017 took the first steps to review an outline for a code of professional conduct for the Express delivery sector with Transport Minister John Hayes.
The journey, evolving from the Taylor review work in 2017, developed into key agenda items for the heads of industry round tables begining Aug 1st 2018 and evolved during 2019, with latest 2020 Covid-19 updates. Keynotes on employment law by Melanie Stancliffe in the Irwin Mitchell boardroom in the City of London saw a hundred thousand vans at table. Later round tables began the polishing of a pledge to the code; a pledge of best practice, a code of values, good practice delivery in express logistics and a pledge to develop a comprehensive code of values. Not just Express at the table; TfL, GLA and DfT adding input for clean air and compliance. Retailers also had input.
In 2019 Alan Lewis helped develop Brexit material for Express delivering keynotes at the quarterly sector round tables.
For the 2020 COVID year IOC were quick to develop a good practice 'delivery at the door' policy called the COVID-19 Courier Pledge. It has evolved with input from Nina Day, Health & Safety Executive and keynotes from Harvey Wild, Kanwal Kanda in November 2020 that generated a version V1.7 focused on COVID good practice at the door.
In 2021 IOC launches a security group. The first material includes a commonsense best-practice van security poster in conjunction with National Buisiness Crime Centre and Chief Inspector Patrick Holdaway.
British Retail Consortium :
BRC welcomes the Institute of Couriers’ focus on responsible business practices, and we are keen to work together where we can on this agenda
Bacon sandwich start for double-diary win returned for 2018: a fellows-only, round table heads of industry preceded the 22nd National Courier Awards at the IoD, Pall Mall, London SW1 on Tuesday October 9th 2018.
‘Doing the right thing', code of practice document nears final draft as IOC has looked outside the sector - at the table with BRC, (British Retail Consortium) and SHIFT, the leading expert in UN guiding principles on business and human rights. IOC reported back to fellows at the IoD event.
Download the draft pledge here v2.9 PDF
Following the latest Taylor issues after the Pimlico tribunal, IOC aligned the code of practice heads of industry to sit in the summer heatwave; ‘it will not wait for autumn.’
The Aug 1st event was a fellows' full table with guests packed in at the sides. Lunch courtesy of Irwin Mitchell set a tone of interaction and exchange; the IOC sorted pudding in trade show style with Curly Wurly chocolate bars and the debate bag.
A code of practice for the express delivery sector.
The vote delivered Ethical Best Practice joint first concern with Environmental. Health and Safety next, with Employment Status right behind.
During the IOC Taylor review, express and courier operators unanimously asked IOC for a code of conduct and this is on the way.
At the heart of such a code will be a clarification to all parties of the status of employment and an understanding of that status between the parties.
Employment status, PAYE, self-employed and worker status have been at the heart of the Taylor review for the express courier sector, who often engage van drivers in multiple and mixed platforms of employment; cost of van, fuel and maintenance, mixed with choice of routes and hours of delivery placing many drivers in the self-employment category.
IOC clearly established the majority of express operators do not view themselves in the gig economy, having bricks and mortar distribution networks and long-standing business models. Flexibility of working patterns opens opportunities across a wide diversity of driver while urban density issues challenges income value against minimum pay where deliveries are spaced apart in green road environments.
This week GMB union hit the express news with the latest Leeds tribunal reported below. And at the same time the Pimlico plumbers appeal was reported, London partner of Irwin Mitchell has published a review of the Pimlico case, summary below.
Heads of industry hold the date August 1st, lunch and pm, round table review for headlines of the IOC sector code of conduct/practice.
The round table will be hosted by Irwin Mitchell at their Holborn London HQ. Key agenda items of the code will include status of employment for couriers.
Powered two wheeler accidents on the rise, IoC talks with the Transport Minister John Hayes and TfL, alongside the October heads of industry meeting resulted in the first foundations of a code of practice for Express delivery, An express delivery courier will be expected to have passed both their CBT and theory test before conducting paid, professional delivery work on a powered two wheeler.
Motorcycle riding standards are key to safety in London, the theory test passed should be a minimum standard before using a powered two wheeler for work.
Presently an individual can complete their CBT, ride a powered two wheeler and not have to have passed their theory knowledge of the Highway Code. The IoC code will set theory test passed as a minimum standard in its 2018 code of conduct for express delivery.
DWP, BIS IFA, TfL & TfGM at the IoC Heads of industry fellows round table event. Transport, Taylor & Trailblazer covered all key issues leading to the vision of a sector code of conduct for 2018.
A top level line up of govt depts. Is showcased in the draft agenda below. The key briefing in express sector for 2017 at the IoD Pall Mall; do not miss this date, It’s a double diary win to attend the evening's National Courier Awards.
Govt dept. briefings will set the context for round tables to review the foundations for a courier and express sector code of practice for 2020.
Who's Who turn out to face the challenge of what is employment status in the express sector of courier. The Government's Taylor Review has looked at the evolving gig economy, conventional PAYE, self-employed and then worker as a status in the grey area inbetween. Where does Express fit ?
Read the Taylor Review Final Report
Read the Taylor Review Submission
Carl Lomas IoC Chair,
Our sector has mixed platforms of employment, operators often have PAYE and self-employed drivers, and some drivers work for more than one company; some drivers may even work in different status for different company. May 2nd Heads of Industry is about the views of the operators. From a recent IoC survey, the round-table and one-to-one interviews, the IoC will submit a response to the Taylor Review.
Professor Tracey Worth leads the round-table questions for the IoC
Read more about the Taylor Review
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