Express Manager Degree Apprenticeship Trailblazer workshop for Express employers sits at Heathrow.
Latest version of standard updated from January one-to-one employer meetings and the Heathrow employer workshop.
Help review the standard before submission on Feb 23
There have been a number of operational one-to-one meetings with employers and workshops north and south leading to the present draft standard, it's not too late to have your say and your input is very welcome to the group. V2 Standard here.
Express Trailblazer chair Justin Moore was at the Heathrow table to talk level six degree apprenticeships for the final mile, home delivery managers of the future.
This is about delivery, express delivery, final mile, delivering to customer chain in an evolving market of client requirements from e-retail.
IOC chair and Express employer group secretary Carl Lomas,
Express manager is not about storage, warehouse or supply purchase, this is about fulfilling final mile transport demand to customer for an evolving, new and exploding sector of logistics.
Hosting the workshop, Tracy Aust, Principal West Thames College comments
These trailblazers provide a fantastic opportunity to really meet the needs of one of the fastest growing sectors. From provision at level 2 through to provision at level 6, they offer a career path for those just entering the sector as well as providing opportunities and career progression for those employees that we already have working within the sector. The on-the-job training, provides the perfect mix to earn as you learn!
Rich in express employers including Hermes and the Royal mail.
Levy land racing towards the employers, IOC proud to be at the Trailblazer DfE NEC conf to talk shop with express employers. Delivery targets for the express delivery level two and pending degree apprentice level 6 for Express Manager. Lomas was on hand to showcase the logistics journey of a pineapple around the world to free home delivery at final mile with DfE David Sampson.
Carl Creswell, Deputy Director DfE opened a full house at the NEC to applause of employers from across the UK.
A big thank-you for helping improve apprenticeships. This is a big programme, over 200 trailblazer groups. During this transition of change I thank you for employment input. Many DfE managers are moving into the Institute for Apprenticeships (IFA). 40% of frameworks turned off as the new standards come in. We are working to all starts of standards by 2020.
Deputy Director of the joint DfE/BIS Apprenticeships Unit Jennifer Coupland opened: introduction of the new institute for apprenticeships before key focus - ‘end point assessments’ measuring the assessments, quality and comparability both internally and externally. Event closed with an outline from Mark Froud FSSS (fed for sector skills standards) ‘certificate production by FSSS will be mandatory for all trailblazers’
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