Ian Calder - four decades at FedEx

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Raymond Masterson, Managing Director Ground Operations at FedEx Express was extremely proud to mark Ian Calder's 40th year anniversary with the company.

Ian started off on his career journey in TNT Durham as a Temporary Loading Bay Operative, aged just 19 years on 26th February 1985, before securing a permanent position and progressing through the ranks into the position of Driver, Traffic Operator and Deputy Manager before becoming Station Manager in July 2012.

Ian ironically was recruited by his Manager, W Smith !

Ian has been successfully leading the team in Durham for over 20 years as a Manager in TNT and FedEx, and has been an inspiring leader who has played a pivotal role in the integration in the NE.

Ian lives and breathes the FedEx PSP philosophy with his passion and drive to deliver only the very best results for our people and the customer. His ability to bring the culture values to life and ensuring that we continue to drive business results, supporting not only his own team, but also collaborating across multiple areas of our business which clearly demonstrates his understanding of how his role supports the business and ensuring that we are able to deliver our Purple Promise and achieve the best result for our customers and people alike.

I am sure Ian would be the first to admit that he has a lot to be thankful to the company for over the last 40 years of service, none more so on the 1st September 1988 while making a delivery to Dewhurst Pennywell Industrial he met Gill who would go on to become his wife, Ian this certainly took making every experience outstanding to another level, such was the impact on that delivery experience Gill kept the actual hard copy note of that first encounter. (first impression count)

Ian, a huge thank you for all your support and from everyone who has had the privilege of working alongside you over the last 40 years, you epitomise perfectly that Absolutely Positively Anytime attitude on a daily basis, we look forward to sharing many more years working with you as you continue your journey to help create what’s next for you team and the company.

Ian many congratulations on your BIG 40th year milestone!