Tips and advice at the front line of final mile delivery to the door
I would recommend supplying drivers with the following items
1) Hand sanitising gel (Must contain at least 60% Alcohol)
2) Anti-bacterial handwipes
3) Tissues (Use it and Bin It)
4) Face masks, if possible
5) Key information about how to spot symptoms and what to do if you think you may have become infected
We have made the decision to not have our signature app used by customers, rather, the driver asks if the customer is satisfied with the delivery and would they mind if the driver signs it off. If others are using paper PODs, I would apply the same principle; get the driver to ask the receiver's name and fill it in themselves.
- Keep drivers in the same vehicles as much as possible and keep them out of the office (parked up on their own).
- Prepare to run your operation remotely, if office staff need to be isolated, can key people operate from home? Go through a test run with regards to group communication, software access and key information.
- Here at The Courier Company Cambridge, we have invested in a laser thermometer to check our staff's temperature regularly.
- We are also keeping vehicles topped-up with fuel as much as possible, just in case fuel does become short.