Ninety per cent of five hundred logisticians asked said speed was the important factor of delivery, but eighty per-cent would actually wait three days for goods valued under fifty pounds to be delivered if delivery charge was free. Over forty five per-cent chose Saturday as the favourite for delivery. Ninety four per-cent want a delivery window text and sixty five per-cent said the window of delivery needs to be inside two hours.
IOC on the yellow carpets of IntraLogisteX at the Ricoh Arena Coventry. Time to talk final mile challenge, integrate IOC fellows across the modal platforms of the yellow carpet of Coventry Ricoh arena. A hot house of all things logistics, hands-on from robot sorters to packaging machines, fork trucks and even tough-pad PDAs for express final mile. The IOC asked time value to delivery cost questions in a continuing research project between MMU, University of West London and University of Derby to establish a break in the client perception of free delivery values. Prize for answers was the return of the Curly Wurly, IOC handing out the chocolate gifts to establish what the logisticians think of today’s client chain driven final mile.