Standards for Apprenticeships

L2 to L6 standards documents

Delivery material

Guidance for delivering the qualifications


External Quality Assurance

Standards for Express Apprenticeships

Below you will find a one-stop shop location of the new apprenticeship standards for Express; from driver to manager. The standards are listed together with the end-point assessments, You will also find detailed multi-layer mapping and indexing of and samples of training delivery material.

The level two standard was granted in the final days of 2016 and the L6 degree apprenticeship published in October 2019. The end-point assessment organisation (EPAO) Innovate UK came on-line March 2021. Funded under levy, the Express qualifications from driver to management are now available.


Express delivery / Sortation hub operator Level 2

Standard ST0753. EOI approved April 2017

Level two Express Delivery Sortation Hub Operator final submitted EOI is available here ( v2.0 submitted 28 Feb 2018). Draft explanation sheet here (Mar 2018)
Draft standard is available here (v1.7 submitted August 2021)
End Point Assessment (EPA) is available here (8 September 2021)
Draft Training plan outline for sortation is available here (v2.3 Nov 2021)
Extract sample of the textbook ( 23 November 2021)

Operative in an express sortation , load and unload skills to conveyor belt, packages in cages, sortation routes, automation systems to silos for re loading. (Nothing is stored in Express delivery, a happy sortation/ hub is empty after the shift, every shift.) A heads of industry group sat at round table with IFA in May 2018 secretaried by the IOC to outline the standard for the qualification, APC to Yodel, Royal Mail, DPD, Fedex, Hermes, TNT, with AELP sitting in. IFA have asked that express sortation is reviewed to fit in the warehouse & storage trailblazer, but sector feedback remains strong that express sits in its own pathway, there is no storage or warehousing in a sortation hub, the skills are different, there are no pallets, express sortation is fast-moving and based around complex sortation machines.


Express delivery Level 2

Standard ST0103 approved for delivery May 2018. Funding band announced 17 Aug 2018. Revision work delivers duty list 2025.

4,000 enrolments by 2025.

The Express Delivery Trailblazer standard at Level two is available here (compact 2-page view)  - IFA version is web layout.
The Express Delivery Operative apprenticeship standard endpoint assessment plan is available here (AP02 17 May 2021)
2025 revision work delivers 13-point duty list here
Draft Delivery Framework material for Level two is available in the Express Apprenticeships Delivery Material area here
There is a four-volume workbook set for candidates, the IOC workbooks provide the delivery material needed for every knowledge skills and behaviour unit, the workbooks follow the delivery framework, training plan and are rich in reviews for the end point assessment revision of multi choice, simulation and discussion.

Operative in express delivery, from walking post to cycle, motorcycle, light & heavy van, or truck. There are four streams to covered, mail, parcel, food and meal delivery. In mail the package size covered is small, regular large and oversize. The standard passed in July 2016 and the end point assessment EPA published May 2018. Originally focused on same day courier the express delivery standard developed through employer group meetings, CitySprint to UK Mail, same day courier to network & overnight. Royal Mail and Whistl focused on post and with further retail input from the likes of Asda and Specsavers the Trailblazer represents all forms of final mile delivery to client, from white goods to food, typically home delivery and with strong customer focus.

The Institute of Couriers is acting as the External Quality Assurance (EQA) assessor with OFQUAL.

Pearson Edexcel and City & Guilds have worked closely with IOC on the EPA. RTITB and Innovated are EPAOs delivering the end point assessment.

The IOC  has mapped the standards units for delivery, showcasing best-practice training materials & recognises best-practice providers who deliver the training.

A detailed candidate workbook set is available, four volumes covering every unit, delivered in assessment order alongside the training plan, delivery framework. The IOC licence the workbooks for use by training providers delivering the Express delivery apprenticeships.


Express manager, degree Apprenticeship Level 6

Standard ST0471 agreed July 2017

Level six degree apprenticeship Express Manager is available here (final IFA web version updated 07 Nov 2018)
Level six degree apprenticeship Express Manager job role and duty list (20 duties) with KSB summary is available here (updated April 2023)
Level six degree apprenticeship Express Manager end-point assessment  is available here (last updated 17 Oct 2019)

The Express employer group has a level six degree apprentice Express manager standard that was published August 2017 following an EOI with BIS in 2016. The End-point assessment (EPA) was submitted in May 2018. A document defining the headline terms was published by IOC June 2018. Covid 2019 – First candidates enrolled January 2023. Logistics service providers, delivery network bandwidth, operating capacity and urban density are all issues in the delivery of the customer promise of 'on time, first time' .

The degree apprenticeship is a non-integrated model with an end point assessment. Completing the End Point Assessment gives candidates the right to apply for fellow grade of the Institute of Couriers.

A complementary text book to the Express manager degree apprenticeship is under edit and expected late 2023 (publisher Kogan Page).

Close partners are West London University and Derby. LMU, SHU & MMU are involved, giving wide UK coverage for the qualification for next-generation managers. The Institute of Couriers is acting as the EQA assessor.

Express delivery / Express courier supervisor Level 3

Level three Express mentor-supervisor draft  EOI is available here (v1.4 updated 05 Mar 2021)

A driver role where responsibility for package sortation and route allocation takes place, a master/elite driver who spends time in the hub to over see routes and package allocation, but is still likely to hold a delivery allocation, operating in a dual role of delivery and supervision.

Express delivery / Express courier hub manager Level 4

Levels two, three and four draft EO is available here (v3.5 updated 23 Feb 2017)

Supervisor / manager, responsible for route allocations of vehicles, both delivery and collection, working from the hub, managing incoming express delivery packages to volume and delivery timescales in a geographic area. Supervising collection routes into the network and allocating returns loads to the wider network.

Express Strategic manager Level 7

Level seven draft Express Strategic Manager EOI is available here (v3.5 updated 23 Feb 2017)

Strategic manager, responsible for multiple sortation and vehicle routing sites. Working toward a masters degree level.

A variety of extra links below take you to standards and end point assessment plans and the delivery frameworks.


Relevant DfE Skills Funding Agency documents are placed in the Standards Archive here, including...

DfE Skills Funding Agency 1-page checklist: A step-by-step guide to the apprenticeship service

DfE Skills Funding Agency: Finding The right training provider

BIS Taylor Report: Employment Status Review Dec 2015