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Winners summaries 2013 - Contract

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Trevor Dunbar, Contract Operations Manager City Sprint, London, Years in Industry 8


2013 winner contract trevor dunbar citysprint


Trevor was originally a courier, he moved into fleet recruitment and training for our growing Healthcare service where client testimonials support Trevor's shortlist nomination.

During 2012, Trevor worked with a client to change their operational processes to ensure they were prepared for the impact of the Olympics. Trevor works so well with them that they will call him for his advice about any new routes they are considering and really value Trevor's professional opinion as he is so focused on the specific needs of the specialised healthcare market.

Trevor's professionalism was quickly recognised

Trevor was promoted to Account Manager for one of our largest clients. They are always complementary about Trevor and the work he has done to maintain the high level of service across the account. Trevor worked with the client from the beginning to ensure the service met the client's requirements and now attends weekly meetings to monitor and report on the current service and to bring new innovative ideas to the client.

Trevor was recently promoted to Operations Manager but has also kept his role of Account management as they do not want to part with him! A great testimonial if ever there was one.


Ross Harrison, Contract van Driver TNT, Bristol. Years in Industry 7


2013 winner contract ross harrison tnt


Ross Harrison covers about 60 thousand miles a year in his Peugot Bipper, he was requested to cover a delivery run when the usual courier suffered a vehicle breakdown. Ross set off to complete the run and shortly after his first collection was involved in what can only be described as an horrific accident.

The incident took place between Malborough and Royal Wootton Bassett on a notorious accident black spot. Ross's vehicle clipped a bank and due to the adverse camber of the road, flipped onto its roof. Ross suffered severe cuts to his head which were bleeding profusely. Nethertheless he immediately evacuated his vehicle and went to the rear to check that the voucher bag of important documents were still secure in its tote box.

Police and paramedics assessed Ross's condition and decided to transport him to Swindon General Hospital. However Ross understanding the importance of the shipment he was carrying insisted he could not leave the scene without it. The police officers insisted he left for hospital and again Ross would not leave with out the box, explaining that he also couldn't disclose its contents due to the nature of his work.

Finally Ross agreed to be taken to hospital

But not before getting a promise from the police officer in charge to personally deliver the tote box to him in hospital. Ross then contacted his contract manager to advise what had happened and o assure him that the shipment was safe.

That afternoon - and 45 stitches later- the officer delivered the still secure consignment to Ross. The shipment was then handed on to a relief courier.

Just four days later Ross was back at work, serving his customers in his usual well-mannered and cheerful way.

This is just one of the reasons we recommend Ross for an award. He continues to be one of our greatest couriers and carry's out his work to the highest standard of professional care.


Garry Timmis, Contract van Driver CitySprint, Oxford, Years in Industry 4


2013 winner contract garry timmis citysprint


Credited by clients, courteous and reliable, Garry is one of the best medical couriers I have ever known. He's an asset to this fleet, and a true ambassador of our industry.

Garry has never let us down - from his polite and helpful approach to work, to his reliability in delivering even the most urgent and time-critical consignments, his work cannot be faulted.

Garry primarily covers night jobs, working particularly closely with one of our most demanding medical accounts, but has also made himself available on numerous occasions on weekends and holidays to ensure the team is fully manned.

As part of on-going customer survey clients are asked to talk about their service experiences.

Garry is always mentioned and credited with providing excellent service to the client. 'Polite professional and always willing'

A true testament to his work, Garry has now been security cleared to move samples from the laboratory sites at Oxford hospitals, Churchill and Nuffield to level four laboratory - level four representing the highest biosafety level that can be awarded by the John Radcliff Lab.

Garry is an integral member of his team, they can think of no one more deserving of this award.


Read 1025 times Last modified on Monday, 05 October 2015 14:03