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Winners summaries 2013 - Special

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Services to Industry - Kevin Grey FFIoC, NCA, Point to Point


2013 winner services to industry kevin grey


Services to industry presented by IOC President Lord Falkland and existing life time winners, Jeffrey Ritterband and Marc Chauveau to Kevin Grey Point to Point. 41 years in the industry.

His company has won the National Courier Association best logistics five times, he is a key player in both the Despatch Association and the APC network, he started on the road riding a Yamaha 80 with the Sammy Rose fleet and an orange Mercury top box.

Those were the days when Mercury orange was brighter than the sunrise. The Dally brothers ran AtoZ couriers, everyone collected waiting time at Red Star and OnyerBike ruled the bicycle fleets. Kevins day job was at the stock exchange but from that first motorbike he graduated to a Sherpa van, then joined the office team at Point to Point with Surya Patel.

Communication was a pager, computer screens were green & TVs were all black and white. Kevin has been heart and soul in this industry from road to company owner, from courier to elected chairman of the NCA. He has seen technology change and customer demand move a pace with the professionalism demanded in the modern day courier industry.

Today Kevin Grey is the president of the National Courier Association and is presented with the IOC services to Industry award.


Training - UK Mail


2013 winner training ukmail

Training presented with the Minster Norman Baker & by National Apprenticeship Service, NAS, Anthony Knowles to UK Mail for 'Apprenticeship engagement'
Head of HR Sarah Maddox to receive the award.

No cheap labour solution at UK Mail, Apprentices will get full pay after three months' probation. A proper career step into logistics.

Birmingham-based UK Mail launched their new apprenticeship programme, called 'AppForThat' offering young people a new career start in the mail industry

The trial began in Leeds, Milton Keynes, Runcorn and Croydon and the pilot ran for six months and may now be rolled out to the rest of the country.

UK Mail is recruiting apprentices via local job centres and charity organisations, with recruits undergoing an assessment and four-week pre-training programme. Successful applicants receive a minimum of 12 months training and support, during which they will achieve a competency qualification. UK Mail apprentices receive 75% of a standard salary during an initial probationary period, rising to a full salary after three months.

UK Mail full pay apprenticeships provide a large number of opportunities available across a range of positions in mail sorting centres, customer care centres and warehouse operations.

Guy Buswell, UK Mail chief executive,

The programme will provide real opportunities for more young people to gain meaningful employment and new skills in logistics. We believe apprenticeships are at the heart of the economy and with the support of employers like UK Mail, we are committed to ensuring logistics is a first class career move.


Safety - City Link


2013 winner safety citylink

Presented by former transport minister & IOC Vice President, David Jamieson to City Link 5 ROSPA gold foundations to health and safety'
Dave Smith MD of City Link, a former MD of the Post Office collects the award.

Coventry-based City Link has firmly established itself as the health and safety conscious courier employer after achieving its fifth Gold Award from ROSPA the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.

City Link's efforts to ensure the ongoing health and safety of employees in the depots and on the roads have helped the company match that magnificent achievement.

Five gold ROSPA awards recognizes commitment to accident and ill health prevention at City Link. In true Olympic style City Link had to meet an exacting set of criteria over a five-year period.  Experts looked at the company's accident records and the health and safety management systems in place at the various City Link depots across the country.

Not the first time to the national Courier Awards stage, City Link are delighted once more to return to the National Courier Awards and bring Gold status to our shortlisting nomination.

David Jamieson was the transport minister who took a huge focus on safety.

As IOC vice president he is here this evening to recognize this extraordinary commitment to safety by City Link.

In a statement by City Link they said

The health and safety is of paramount importance here at City Link and consistent good practice forms an integral part of our work ethic which we aim to instill in each and every one of our employees, whether in the depots and offices or out on the roads, so it becomes second nature in their everyday work. - A second National Courier Award is testament to the conscious efforts of all our employees over the past five years. Not a company to rest on our laurels we will strive to keep up the excellent standards we have achieved in the last five years and continue to build on these in the years to come.


Ecology - DHL


2013 winner ecology dhl
DHL - Go green envelope
Pierre de Carteret receives this award for DHL

DHL proves that quick document delivery can be green with new carbon neutral feature of recyclable, environmentally friendly packaging, the Gogreen envelope for everything under 300g.

By offering carbon neutral shipping as a free of charge feature for all DHL Express Envelope shipments, they are building industry leadership in environmental sustainability, as demonstrated through Deutsche Post DHL's pioneering GoGreen program,

Roland Thomas, Global Head of Products, DHL Express.

We are increasingly being challenged by our customers to help them build a green supply chain for their global operations. We are certain that the enhanced DHL Express Envelope GOGREEN service will deliver one more answer to that challenge.

DHL Express has introduced the GOGREEN carbon neutral feature , allowing customers to further reduce the environmental impact of their shipping activities.

The calculation and offsetting process for GOGREEN is verified annually based on the ISO14064 standard, by Société Générale de Surveillance, an independent audit company. The enhanced service is available for customers of DHL in over 100 countries across all continents.


Technology Award - DX


2013 winner technology dx

Minister is joined by Mick Jackson Skills 4 Logistics boss to present the technology award to DX 'delivery time technology, shaping an industry standard'
Chris Bowden, DX Marketing director and Paul Tyson for DX two man to stage.

From am to pm, then three hour and now one hour windows.

Technology excellence to time slot delivery at DX has created a step change in the industry perception.

Paul Tyson points out that DX was one of the first home delivery companies to offer a choice of am or pm deliveries and consumer text alerting.

In the past we offered deliveries between 7am and 1pm, or between 12.30pm and 6pm. We have become confident enough to tell consumers to expect us between 9.30 and 12.30. More recently we have now brought the time scales to an incredible one hour window.

DX is producing increasingly accurate delivery schedules. This is because data captured reflects actual delivery times for different products and types of environment.

Dwell times perfection,

As part of DX telematics system, drivers have handheld terminals for recording drop details and capturing proof of delivery, the data is then used to measure dwell times on site for various consignment types. We can plan true delivery times. We might for instance allocate 14 minutes for delivering a sofa, and so on.

The company runs its home delivery operation from more than half its branches - an unusually extensive network for this type of business, and one that helps reduce unforeseen delays by keeping travel times down. In addition, DX can bring further depots into the network to cover peaks or changes in delivery patterns.


Read 1086 times Last modified on Monday, 05 October 2015 14:07