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Winners summaries 2012 - 2-wheel

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Zulu 24 Steve Hamilton GLH cycle courier

2012 winner 2 wheels steve hamilton GLH

Steve's positive and cheerful approach to his work means he is the 'complete package' when it comes to representing GLH! He was voted our top cycle courier for 2012.

Nominated by IOC fellow and GLH despatch manager Steve Purkis,

I nominate our singing cyclist, Steve Hamilton, call sign Zulu 24, for a National Courier Award . I've yet to see this guy without a smile on his face and he is always singing whilst he works, even in the rain! He has been absent only one day this year so far.

He cycles in every day from Morden in Surrey and is one of our most popular fleet members amongst clients, riders and office staff alike because of his helpful and happy-go-lucky nature. Steve was recently voted GLH's cycle courier of the year by the office staff at the GLH staff awards. The Olympics seemed to make little or no difference to his speed and efficiency. In fact we think he could have given some of the British Cycling Teams' medal winners a run for their money! When his bike was stolen! This was considered a minor setback for him and next day he returned on a new machine, ready to work and still warbling tunelessly!! Whilst Steve's attitude is a credit to himself and GLH, his voice unfortunately isn't music to our ears. Should Steve be recognised for his achievements could we request a voice coach instead of an award please?


Nicholas L'Estrange-West Papa 51 cycle courier - Wurzle

2012 winner 2 wheels nicolas lestrange west citysprint s

Nicholas has excelled since joining CitySprint 7yrs ago, nickname Wurzle he is one of the fastest and most reliable push-bike couriers on our fleet.

Kenny Brown, service centre manager nominated Nicholas

Nicholas never loses his smile and goes about his job with an infectious sense of humour, he is very well liked by our client base and always has time to mentor lesser experienced couriers and portrays CitySprint in a positive and honourable light to both.

He services London, when he's not at the office he works for Barnados and is a hearty member of the green party. He is a well known and well-liked member of the London push-bike courier community and has even appeared on Tv for C4`s Party Wars. He loves his job and believes in his chosen career. He is a superb ambassador for the push-bike profession and CitySprint are very proud of him.


José de Santana TNT motorcycle courier

2012 winner 2 wheels jose de santana TNT s

José is an incredible individual who carries out his job with the utmost professional attitude.

Nominated by Steve Brown Divisional General manager, TNT Express Services who commented

He nurtures his motorcycle and it is kept with pride to ensure it is always operational for his job. When someone like José shows so much care and attention to the vehicle that he uses to deliver the job you can feel assured that he will be treating your client with the same care.' José has been wholly supported by his peers for this nomination as well as having ticked all the boxes for the TNT internal Super Stars selection. He is a worthy winner who represents the two wheel courier with great pride and dedication.

His nomination is supported by the two incidents that José has unfortunately been subjected too but emphasises how committed to his profession he is. In May 2011, José was assaulted by a group of men who were waiting outside one of his bank branches and managed to snatch the work he had just collected. Although very shaken, José insisted he would carry on with his run as he did not want to let anyone down. José was determined not to let the incident affect him and, true to form, was back at work the following day. Two months later in July, José had the misfortune to be attacked a second time. However, this attack was much more violent. For any driver who has been the victim of violent crime of this kind it is very difficult to return to work, let alone go straight back onto the same run. But José just stated that he had known the risks when he took on his role many years ago, he enjoyed his run and would not let criminals get the better of him.


Read 998 times Last modified on Monday, 05 October 2015 13:55