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Saturday, 02 October 2010 01:58

Judging Panel 2010

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An early announcement of the first judge for the National Courier Awards 2010 is Mr Richard Howard FIoC. Richard is honoured to take the place of the late Judy Benn FFIoC who sadly was lost to us all in February 2009. Richard represents the APC network and has twenty years experience in the courier sameday, overnight and international industry.

The Chairman of the judging panel Marc Chauveau FFIoC comments

This coming year will test the courier industry, as a core industry to the supply of all other industries we will have to be at the top of our game. This brings out the best in all our staff and this will reflect in the high standard of nominations that the judges will have both the pleasure and difficult task of judging. I am pleased to welcome Richard to the judging panel

The full panel of judges will be announced in January 2010.

The date for the next industry awards has been set for Tuesday September 14th, 2010. The venue will be the Insitute of Directors, Pall Mall, London.

Carl Lomas MBE, Chairman of the IoC comments

The IoC is proud to host the National Courier Awards but we are sensitive to the opinions of those professionals who work in the industry. Companies are being cautious and ensuring that all areas of the business are lean and cost efficient. Companies large and small want to apply their energies to the business in hand and the National Courier Awards will showcase the sucesses at the awards to be held in September 2010

National Courier Awards 2010

The Intitute of Couriers hosts the National Courier Awards as an event that recognises individuals contribution to the industry as a whole. Across all types and sizes of companies, the courier professionals gather to pay tribute to those who have made an outstanding contribution to their own company and the courier industry.

In a year following many upsets in commerce and the very public closure of every childs 'pick a mix favourite' Woolworths their is no doubt that businesses are making themselves leaner. The last year has squeezed all businesses into a new way of thinking and budgeting for the future. Graeme Leach Chief Economist and Director of Policy at the IoD comments on the credit crunch. ‘After 15 years of economic growth the party is over. Across the whole economy companies are undoubtedly leaner and fitter this time around compared with the last recession. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any significant savings to be made. Budget setting for 2009 is going to be a very tough process in order to squeeze out every possible cost saving’

The Institute of Directors made a fine venue for the 2008 National Courier Awards and now its words ring very true for the economy today. The IoC wants to celebrate those who dedicate their lives to the industry and those who excel but not at the expense of the industry. The next awards will be held at the IoD, Pall Mall, London in 2010 and will offer us the finest of venues to celebrate those who are the best of the very best in our industry.

Nominations can be made throughout the year. Email in the first instance to Tracey at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Read 1052 times Last modified on Sunday, 04 October 2015 23:02