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Former FedEx SVP gives keynote to Express Manager Apprentices at UWL

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Trevor Hoyle former SVP FedEx.

Inspirational keynote to University West London Express Manager Apprentices next generation leaders.

‘Get people to relate to you.’

‘speak truth to power’

‘Have a plan, be focused, trust in your beliefs.’

Trevor Hoyle was keynote guest speaker to the next generation leaders of express logistics. Trevor stopped at University of West London for a photo with Dr Tracey Worth. He was at the July lecture for Express manager Degree Apprentices with University of West London. The keynote was frank and personal, inspiring motivation. Trevor focused on special moments in a career in logistics. Trevor reviewed a journey, born 1961 with school in Kent, he expected to enter motor engineering via car racing. Reality was joining FedEx with four thirty am starts! Twenty couriers out of Enfield depot. I had a service guide and a quality driven management guide in paper as my foundation stones of my compass. I joined the Saturday FedEx course, ‘Is management for me?’

Be sure to have your own moral compass in your management career. You are in a role like the conductor of an orchestra and it's your mission to get the tune correct.

I retired with over twenty thousand members of the team under my responsibility. ‘Get people to relate to you.’ ‘speak truth to power.’ ‘Its important to be reflective.’ ‘Surround yourself by critical friends’ ‘Functional matrix structures benefit strategy but do slow down progress speed.’ ‘Make the structure fit but be prepared to change it if needed to align the business plan..’

My career after FedEx did not stop, retirement was a step, I took up running to complete the Big Six world marathons. We all set our own barriers in life.

I read my first leadership book back in the eighties, it continues, but you have to find your own style as a leader, your beliefs and values are what shape you. There is a World of change today as leadership styles have evolved and adapted.

If you are going to be a leader, people will only follow you if they trust you. You must share something of your self, build a relationship t be leader others can relate to. To see what is going on you must engage at the coal face., be authentic, display empathy with team members.

‘A goal without a plan is just a dream’

‘Change + Attitude = Opportunity’ You set your limits.

Sustainability is the massive challenge today, AI and robotics will change our sector, talent at the front line is a huge future challenge.

The book I am reading today, ‘there are so many, just constantly read,’ take one key thing from every book you read.’ Read about AI and sustainability today, check out scope 1 2 & 3.

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Express Manager candidates on the UWL Hon Deg in Express Logistics