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DfT People and Skills group - 8 May 2024

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Jam-packed agenda – 1.2 million in transport workers

Workforce assessment not changed significantly in last six months.

Carl Lomas attended DfT Horseferry Road for the People and Skills in transport meeting, a cross dept event, from DfT to DEFRA and DWP looking at rising numbers in workforce job places. Diversity remains a challenge, T Levels, Bootcamps apprenticeships discussed, Neil Robertson NSAR commented, pre apprenticeships may be a place to focus diversity. Lomas caught up with Man from the Ministry Phil Martin, DfT.


Introduction - Laura Marquis, Deputy director for logistics and supply chain at DFT, fourth meeting of the group. While challenged by train strike, it remained busy attendance in person and on-line for a hybrid event. Road, rail and air. ‘Govt interest in the transport sector remains high.’

Workforce Assessment Alex Green, Georgia Wyse, Usman Ali. Part of the work programme, addressing critical shortages of workforce. Just completed a formal six month review, Women in Transport index added to the pack. The position in sector has not varied significantly in last six months. Sector sitting at 1.2 million employees. DFT monitoring the sector to input to workforce plan. Training maps are being developed. Four workstreams, training in workstream two. Looking at data, new job postings are rising, 884,000 new jobs posted in March 2024, 4.2% increase from the month before. Scotland had highest number of job postings. Specific to transport sector, driving and haulage at 49,266 in April 2024 compared to 38,284 in Feb 2020.

Group member updates .

Stefan Bailey DEFRA, ‘Spoke on workforce need in the food supply chain, looking at improving awareness of opportunity in workforce, sector attractiveness of roles in food chain for logistics.’

Carl Lomas, IOC commented on the historic week of the 1840 penny black launch, a single pre-paid charge for any distance of road freight delivery. Present numbers in delivery to door remain strong and in growth as retail continues to shift from high street to door. Starts on the Express delivery L2 apprenticeship have passed 2,500 – a new dog attack at delivery door, training outline and an ssessemnt guide have been written and made public to all sector by IOC. L6 degree apprenticeship for express manager started a second tranche cohort in Jan 2024 joining the first 2023 cohort that are in a ninety percent retention for completion next year. LSA are working towards a West London Logistics hub focused on transport education via West Thames College in the Heathrow area. DWP Carl Widowson sorted attendance at the recent Heathrow transport careers event hosted by West Thames College speaking Transferable Skills for transport.

Kerry from Maritime detailed a sea to shore based careers paper, spoke women in maritime an initiative dates set for next week.

Mathew Hepworth DWP, We acknowledge need to engage with recruitment challenges for transport sector. The input of this group is important.

Neil Robertson, NSAR, Skills academy for rail, ‘Extraordinary concern around vacancies, looking at flexi time apprenticeships for SMEs.’

Boosting domestic workforce discussion led by DWP, Mandy Dale and Laura Marquis.

Increase in vacancies, work by DWP aimed at domestic recruitment, four strands, an employer launch campaign at all Job Centres, Launching a new digital offer to help employers link with local jobcentres. Sec of State engaging with stakeholders and other ministers to unlock the labour supply. DWP looking to look across depts to collectively address the labour market shortages in the sector.