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DfT - Road accidents are down, reported injuries fall 16%

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Data produced by Department for Transport published this week show number killed in rolling year comparison is down 14%

In-year statistics on reported road accidents (RAS45) were published to June 2020 this week by DfT.

Road traffic injuries and deaths are down.

DfT Latest annual rolling total shows accidents road accidents down 16%.

DfT rolling year, July 2018 to June 2019 showed 1.827 killed in road accidents, for the rolling year July 19 to June 2020 the number fell 14% to 1,580.

Looking at the number for all casualties, July 2018 to June 2019 was 156,034, in the rolling year July 2018 to June 2020 the number fell 16% to 131,220.


 DfT summary

· There were an estimated 1,580 road deaths in the year ending June 2020 which includes three months of the national lockdown. This is a decrease of 14% compared to the previous year. This change is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.

• There were 131,220 casualties of all severities in the year ending June 2020, down by 16% from the previous year. This change is statistically significant.

• The overall casualty rate per vehicle mile decreased by 2% over the same period. The reduction in casualties is broadly in line with the reduction in traffic which decreased by 14% over this period.


Casualties by road user type (RAS45012)

• In general, for casualties of all severities, there was a larger percentage reduction for pedestrians and a smaller reduction for pedal cyclists, compared to other road user types over this period. Patterns for killed or seriously injured casualties show broadly similar patterns

• The Department’s COVID-19 transport use statistics suggest that there has been an increase in pedal cyclist traffic volume over the period following the COVID-19 restrictions, while motor vehicle traffic has reduced.

• A more detailed analysis of the trends, including a breakdown by road user type and severity, will be provided as part of the 2020 provisional annual statistics scheduled for publication in June 2021.


To take a look at the full report click here