Conference speakers
Opening address by Quentin Wilson - an appeal to understand the science of clean combustion
Opening address by Quentin Wilson, ‘Seismic shift for transport – I appeal – we need to understand the science of clean air for combustion.’
Nadeem Raza welcomes guests to the conf with new comfy chairs
Nadeem Raza boss at Microlise welcomes guests,
How can we make Microlise better? It's been a positive run of years, venue, exhibition, speakers, we have even upgraded the chairs. Looking at the technology, Microlise has addressed upgrading speed from two hours to ten minutes and it's even getting faster. Our service desk is improved and speed of dealing with calls has got better, cyber security is on our agenda and big data.
Prof Richard Wilding OBE keynote at Microlise talks innovation in supply chain
Key note delivery by Cranfield professor, Richard Wilding OBE. ‘I am an engineer who moved into supply chain, delivering innovation. We have been doing a lot of stuff the same for years, languages need to change, language of safety, safety culture, new ideas, ‘culture is what people do in the absence of instruction when they are under peruse.’ Eco lab data on unsafe behaviour, 5214 incidents in the supply chain. My question is do you understand the impact of your safety statistics, vote went fifty, fifty. Lets talk service language. ‘Cost advantage and value advantage. Organisations are selling service and transport is core to that service. Technology in warehousing and on the roads, meeting the customer needs to deliver value to the customer. Internet connections that get stuff delivered without asking. Blockchain enables smart contracts, frictionless boarders, nearshoring and less labour in the supply chain. We must factor in impact on our society of change in supply chain‘
Venn Chesterton from innovate UK talks clean air - does your fleet have alternative fuel vehicles ?
Venn Chesterton from innovate UK asked do you have alternative fuel vehicles on your fleet? Three quarters of Microlise guests said yes. ‘Autonomous vehicles, advanced propulsion using example of Ford transit van plug in, low and zero emission technology engines, vehicle to grid and grid coping with battery need, reducing emissions n freight.’ Venn talked UPS and their charging need in Camden, north London utilising energy. Another project is John Lewis and CNG trucks, how we deal with failure in the fuel supply? Trials and demonstrations are business critical for clean air.
Rob Wallis boss at TRL spoke platooning vehicles, opening vote split half the audience in a belief that platooning would or would not be in the UK in the next ten years. ‘TRL are half way through a World first two year programme on platooning that started in 2017, we are working with DAF trucks and DHL drivers and looking at the right locations to trial that will cover fourteen thousand miles. The project is not a technology demonstration. We are putting the technology in real world tests safely. DFT and Highways England have provided 8million of funding, we have strong stake holder support from govt. We are not talking driverless trucks, we are looking at the economic gain of platooning, fuel saving, aerodynamic gain of three truck platoons and operational efficiency, will platooning reduce traffic jams and help with road safety? The UK has an unprecedented opportunity to take the lead in trialling platoons, TRL are taking the next steps in the journey.
Graham Bennett Royal Mail speaks rise of electric vehicles. ‘Royal mail fleet over 47 thousand vehicles, 29 million addresses delivering 16 billion items with 90,000 drivers. Our double deck fleet sits around 1200 trailers, we are committed to our environment. We have worked with Arrival who are designing electric vehicles from the bottom up, they have a simple design with a modular platform using the same electric motor on different sizes. The vehicle is light. We are starting to match purchase price with existing fuel vehicles. Drivers have enjoyed the easy drive of electric compared to a six speed diesel. The journey so far from Aug launch, drivers love driving the vehicle, 15% energy saving, typically 35 miles a day on the London routes, average cost so far is about sixteen pence a mile.’
Scott Gibbons National counter terrorism policing Preventing Transport related terrorism. Scott opened with prevent training and an outline of COBRA, MI5 and MI6 across eleven regions of the UK. Threat levels, at the moment we are severe level, JTAC advise govt the threat level. ‘Using a truck as a weapon was showcased in a passionate video’ Scott continued to talk UK resilience, 40 years of experience and boarder controls. Next steps for transport managers are on the Microlise web and on the dedicated web for NaCTSO
Phil Roe DHL, technology empowering the modern transport operation. Phil began with DHL and the UK Mail purchase as online orders set to double. Online, buying global products across boarders with fully flexible timed deliveries, timed to exceed the expectations of customers. Online retail, there is no turning back for supply chain logistics. Customer centric challenges, customers are citizens and want environmental connection to the service of delivery. There is an increase in size and frequency of deliveries. We need new IT capability to deliver competitive service at great cost, Connected TMS connects customers to our transport and multiple customer requirements across the DHL network for a seamless service with simplified administration. Deliveries, safe, clean and quiet is critical to us. We are working with Ford on electric vans and we believe gas will have a part to play for heavy vehicles. DHL is committed to zero emission by 2050.
Richard Barnes wins Driver of the Year
Lesley O'Brien after her transport diversity & inclusivity seminar with Philip Martin, DfT and IOC CEO Tracey Worth
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