AELP Transport Sector National Meeting - 11 Nov 2015

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Association of education and learning providers sector group for transport met by Euston station in London on November eleventh, respecting an eleven o’clock silence before the meeting start, a national level attendance, Carl Lomas for Inst of Couriers, strong network of providers, award bodies and industry for an energetic exchange of training in the transport sector amid the hot off the press news of a timeline for the next SFA bids.



Helen Pickering as SFA key note speaker, apprenticeships to trailblazers, Helen had been involved with the beginning of the courier trailblazer phase three submission of standard. The two other key speakers were John Bowman form RTITB and Lisa Dixon JLD talking SQA for the event sponsor.

The transport and logistics sector has been hitting the mainstream news headlines with workforce shortage as home delivery dominates retail shopping habits of a rapidly changing retail client base, there is a national driver shortage and the numbers are big.

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 James Billingham, Lisa Dixon JLD SQA, Helen Pickering SFA and John Bowman for RTITB.

Transport Sector chair for AELP, James Billingham Ingeus welcomed a full house meeting to the London venue, awarding bodies, providers, colleges and Carl Lomas leading on the Courier trailblazer apprenticeship. Carl commented on the variation  of the phase three qualification to be rebadged, express delivery incorporating retail such as the latest Argos same day, the new standard goes into BIS Nov 26th, full detail at

Helen Pickering SFA was the key note speaker, ‘All apprenticeship starts should be in the new standards for 2017’ Helen detailed an excellent diagram outline from candidate start through the apprenticeship period to the end point assessment.  ‘Qualifications may or may not be in the standard, if they are in, they must be delivered.’ Trailblazers are led by employers, highlighting knowledge and skills for their sector, the whole sector. Big change is the end point assessment by a registered assessment body. Minimum period will be 12 months and employers will control the funding. Registration of apprenticeship assessment organisations will be on the existing Bravo solutions platform. ‘there needs to be a minimum of 12 months, stretch & training while in work.’

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Lisa Dixon JLD training (SQA) was the first speaker, detailing SQA award body, qualifications and service, an ability to answer the phone and lead providers on a clear and guided path to delivery. SQA is International, Lisa detailed delivery of over seven thousand pdp quals in the last year alone.

John Bowman spoke for RTITB, an organisation formed in 1965 to deliver safety & efficiency in the workplace of transport, well known for their fork truck licence quals. John outlined the next step to driver training standards, numbers portrayed clearly of an ageing driver workforce and strong demand for next generation. ‘Properly trained LGV drivers are more productive.  They use less fuel, have fewer accidents and minimise the environmental impact of transport. The Driver Training Standard from RTITB shows how the transport sector is taking the initiative to help solve the shortage of properly trained lorry drivers.  The Driver Training Standard from RTITB will deliver ‘work ready’ drivers.  All driver trainers will benefit from benchmarking what they do against the standard and using the materials supplied by RTITB to update and improve what they do. ‘

Strong networking followed and was nationally represented across provision and qualifications from award bodies to private training providers and colleges. The transport and logistics sector has been hitting the news headlines with workforce shortage as home delivery dominates retail shopping habits of a rapidly changing retail client base, there is a national driver shortage and the numbers are big.