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Trevor Hoyle, senior Vice President, retires from FedEx

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Trevor Hoyle FIOC receives a Services to Industry award from Traffic Commissioner Sarah Bell with Carl Lomas Trevor Hoyle FIOC receives a Services to Industry award from Traffic Commissioner Sarah Bell with Carl Lomas

Senior Vice President, FedEx, Trevor Hoyle announces retirement. ‘Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!’.



Trevor comments,

Last days of December was a very emotional day for me as after 27 years and 9 roles, I announced my retirement from FedEx and want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been part of that 27-year journey, for I have been blessed. Blessed to join such a great company, blessed to have worked with so many talented people and blessed with the opportunities presented to me. I am also thankful, thankful to my team each and everyone one of you that I have worked with during those 9 roles, thankful to my peers who I have worked alongside and thankful to FedEx and my various mentors for those 27 wonderful years. I am so touched by the many emails and texts messages that I have received following the announcement. Its now time to relax as I approach 2023, reflect on the adjustment ahead of me. I can now devote my time to family, to my BIG6 marathon challenge, with just 10 weeks to go until Tokyo, I can train properly for this one and to my lifelong learning and continuing my Pg Dip in Behavioural Science with Warwick Business School and my fabulous cohort.